Here are some of the best scrrenshots I have ever seen and kool part is that I made them!!! To download any that you like, click the link Below ______________________________________________________________ The Hutt Thank you for look at my screenshots and I hope ya download em!
These screenshots are... Okay... They average to about a 2/10, so when I say okay, I am being very generous. The problem, you see, is that all screenshots are basically the exact same now... Unfortunately for you I am a harsh critique when it comes to the screenshot section. It takes something new and original to get a good review, or most people are very easily pleased... Sorry, but you're an easy target for pent up aggression. Now for the constructive criticism. I'm not just gonna' flame and leave. First Image, well it's been overdone, the main problem is originality and when you give a thread a name like this, people want to see something new to live up to the name. Second Image, Not much of a fan for the set up "clan" shots or "friend" shots... Third Image, well sure, I must admit this one is pretty cool, not original but cool. Though the filter is a bit of a downer =[ Fourth Image, not much here... I don't get it... Fifth, again not original... Kinda bland... Sixth, again not original, not a fan of posing. And the blue doesn't look so good against the orange. Seventh, see above. Minus the blue lolz
i think these need more... action. lol sorry but theres just a bunch of guys shooting at something you cant see. i liked the ghost one, but that was it.. sorry lol
Ah, clans. The worst thing that Halo has ever produced. Clan photos aren't really that cool, you know.
i cant see them on my browser because of this dang school proxy, but from what everyone else says if guessing there pretty bad.
Well, like everyone else just said, yeah, these do need a lot more action. And personally, clan photos just aren't the zazzy or neat. 3/5.
wwaayy over the top. But then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In my opinion they are average staged screenshots. None really caught my eye and held it ther.