EDIT: I found that there was a random neutral respawn zone on the map screwing with my Capture the flag games (and probably other gametypes). That has been deleted. The Maw Based on the portion of the final level of Halo CE where you have to draw back those three vent covers and blow the core of the Pillar of Autumn. I was playing it in the Anniversary Edition and was impressed with the layout. I have attempted to create something that will remind you of that sequence... give you that moment of "oh yeah, that level" once you see it. The bases are mirrors of each other and cosist of multiple levels- 1 underneith where you're likely to spawn. The next is up, raised higher above the floor of the center of the map. The next level is smaller and extends out to the center of the map with three arms, which are a key feature of the map. The center of the map has a low level floor with a raised center to allow you to advance on foot without necessarily being under fire. Above that are the Power Weapon spawns, intended to be accessed from above. The upper level can be reached via the trio of arms stretching out from each base, or from the side of the map where I have ramps leading up to man-cannons. Regarding the Power Weapons- the intention is to play the map without Jetpacks. Jetpacks ruin the flow of maps in many instances. I have included 1 Jetpack as a power Weapon. I'm not entirely certain on the list of power weapons, I've included Rockets, Snipes, Grenade Launcher, Sword, and a concussion rifle. So far none have proven overpowering, the difficulty in obtaining mitigating their power. If you play without Jetpacks, keep in mind that the jumps onto the extending arms and from the arms to the upper level require 125% jump height to work well. You can play without the jump height, but I don't recommend it. There is a single Ghost in the center, along with 2 mongooses (mongeese?), but those were included mostly to satisfy my 3 boys and their desire to battle over vehicles. As well, each bases has a Machine Gun Turret at the ground level with limited range of fire. Pictures! From the Top Down Red Base: Blue Base: Sword Spawns inside the circular porton, rockets above. Man Cannons on either side lead to the upper most walkways. From the center floor, the middle weapon spawns, blue base is in the background. Same side of the map as previous picture, but looking at the middle from a different angle. You can also see the Ghost Spawn. The Here's a close up of the middle power weapon spawns. The concussion rifle is seen. The grenade launcher is on the opposite side of the staircase. I turned them on their end and positioned the openings such that from above you can choose which side to fall down to. A long shot of how the arms from the bases extend to the center upper level.
Oh yeah that level from Halo:CE when you escape from blowing up the Pillar of Autumn by driving the warthog out...of.... I kind of forgot about the end of the level "The Maw". Anyway thats a pretty good remake of the level Pajama Dad. The most interesting thing about this map is the middle of the map when you put two of the circilar ramps together to make like a pipe along the middle of the map. Great job! - EpICx ReMiX XD.
Its actually the part just before you escape on the hog. You have a series of buttons to push that withdraw exhaust ports. Then you fire a rocket or lob grenades in to set the engines asplodin'. The three arms are the exhaust vent things. Right now I'm looking to up the aesthetics for the bases. The center piece looks neat, but portions of the bases look super boring.
It looks cool and all but if u want it 100% like The Maw you cant place more cover... but im sorry to say that a map with that much missing cover wont anyone play... plz fix alot of more of cover and if you can do place some more colours on the map it needs it! Not original light just some light from your blocks..
I dis-agree with BlondishFiber here. I really like the prettiness of the map and how you used platforms to look slightly different. My only wish right now is that there was a custom gametype already setup. Also, while that many power weapons may work for slayer, for objective games it might be overpowering. So maybe set some of them to spawn in Slayer only? Overall, really cool looking map, you got my download.
I knew someone else would try to forge this part of the mission. (You should check out my preview of the same area.) /advertising. Looks interesting, yet I can't help but feel that something's off.
I saw this and immediately thought 'lol trivial'. Anyway @OP, this looks pretty sweet. You captured the look and feel of that final bit well, i just hope it plays well.
You make a good point. I may have to go back and switch out the non-rocket explosives for objectives. Regarding cover... I've not run into too many situations where one was unable to get out of the line of fire. The middle section currently occupied by the vehicles is not the main battleground, and that's the portion of the map with the least cover [br][/br]Edited by merge: Looking at the pics I posted I can see how it would look like there isn't any cover. The sight lines across the map are not obvious from my pics. If anything I've found it a little cluttered once you're in it, but that could just be the fact I play a lot of split screen.