So I began designing this small 2v2 map out of the delicious new objects High Noon gave us. Using inspiration from Epitaph, I think its looking pretty nice so far, what with the shiny floors and all! No name yet and also I need to rethink the design a little, but for now, I just wanted to get this little project Im working on at the moment out into the world. p.s: Im also working on a co-forge with Carnifax on an awesome new L4D experience set in the evacuated city of New Mombasa (Breakneck), so stay on the lookout for that map preview soon.
Looks good, I'd play around with the lights and see what colours you can create. I foudn orange & yellow to look better than blue, personally. But that's just me, obviously. I'll be keeping a lookout for his, just hoping you'll have enough objects to wall off the thing.
Nice to see I'm not the only one trying out other Maps! When this is finished, I'll DL for sure! Could you make it compatible with Infection? Also, could I help testing? Pretty please?
I really love the reflective walls and pieces that came with the map, just upset that the bland forgeworld pieces dont fit in... I put my faith in 343 though. Their taste in forge does seem to bring some very aesthetic pieces into play. Well I hope this turns out well. And the pieces given to us, I could see a cool reflection remake on highnoon
There really are some tasty looking pieces in the palette of High Noon. This is looking pretty cool. I really need to get a solid idea to build on this map.
Yeah Ill see what I can do for the lights and I should have enough to wall it off. Im leaving the top open so walling off the sides shouldnt be to hard. Yeah I can see how infection will go on this and yeah Ill need as many people who have the anniversary maps as possible because I also have a second co-forge map on Breakneck which requires at least 12 testers. Haha yes 343 does give us some eye pleasing pieces but they are a ***** to forge. Everything except the shiny floor is practically free-merged because none of the objects line up with each other. Yeah it is limited what you can work with so producing a top design is essential... hence why I need to rethink my design a bit as its not quite up to par as what Id like it to be.