Going Back?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by luckiesnipes, Jan 8, 2012.


Would you go back and play Halo 3 consistantly again?

  1. Yes

    17 vote(s)
  2. No

    18 vote(s)
  1. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    So I'm going to go ahaead and speak my mind. To me, Halo 3 was so much more enjoyable than Reach. I wish I could play it to this day, but sadly there is virtually no Halo 3 forge community in Halo 3 anymore, meaning no maps, no customs, and no fun. I want to go back to Halo 3 and do some more forging, but there doesn't seem to be much of a point.

    If you love Halo 3 like I do send me a friend request (Ph33no). My goal is to rebuild somewhat of a Halo 3 forge community, so that I can go back and have that fun again.

    Edit! If people are interested I would also host a Halo 3 playlist for the next TGIF.
    #1 luckiesnipes, Jan 8, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2012
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Good luck lol.. H3 is abandoned to hell, I'm not the best but when I go in a game in h3 I always come out positive because it's filled with noobs.
  3. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    That's my point. The H3 community is dead. I wish it were not that way because I would love to continue to play halo 3 over reach, but the community all migrated.
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Halo Reach is a better game. If you don't count maps

  5. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I wish that it would be 2008 again, at the climax at H3, even though that would mean that Halo 4 wouldn't some out for 4 years. But to me it'd worth it.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Every time I play H3 again and try to relive the game I loved so much, I regret it. The BR was awful. The netcode was awful. Those two things alone are so overwhelming that all the positives (some great maps, fantastic nades, better sniping etc.) just can't stop me hating near every minute of it.

    I'd like to see H2 brought back to life, and that's not even nostalgia at play. I played Halo 3 to death and am happy for it to stay dead, I barely played H2 during its glory days (clocked up a fair few games after that, though) but would love to play it more just based on the mechanics.
  7. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    I disagree. I felt that Halo 3 was a much better game. The thing I miss the most is VIP and Battle Tracks. I really don't know why Bungie took out all the best games. They are so retarded. If you are playing some Battle Tracks or some fun mini games, feel free to invite me. Send me a PM if you get a party going. Thanks.
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    You know what the problem is? I touched on this ages back and cant remember what the thread was called but basically, Reach suffered because it didnt have that true halo feel of 'huge, mysterious, alien landscapes' (yes it has that undeground ice cavern forerunner thing, but that was it). Halo Reach was all human based (to stick to the storyline) and so in my eyes has never lived up to its previous siblings standard.
    I would have loved reach to absolute death if it was halo 3 with reach's graphics and enhanced engine.

    Also bungie shoulda shipped it on two disks like DICE did with battlefield.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I actually went back to H3 yesterday at my friend's house since he doesn't have a copy of Reach. I stand by my previous statements, but I enjoyed it much more this time simply because I wasn't playing against H3 warriors but average joes like back in the day. 26-1, two overkills, a Riot and two Frenzies. One that that game did bring home to much is how much more satisfying sniping was when the game didn't hand out headshots like it were still Christmas, having to actually work for your snipes is something I really miss.
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Just curious why you think the BR was awful? IMO it's the number 1 reason why Reach sucks. Number 2 being AAs and 3 being maps. The lack of hitscan was great, the weapon took intelligence to use. You had to actually lead your shots at a distance and there was substantially less auto aim. The three shot burst and the ability to strafe in H3 made it a lot easier to come back when down in a fight, even when you were one shot. The random spread would be my biggest issue, although 3 dead center shots with hitscan isn't the better alternative IMO. With better netcode, a non hitscan BR would rock.
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Personally, I'll take Reach over H3 any day. Both game have their frustrating little issues, but Reach is simply more enjoyable for me. As far as Halo goes though, HCE and H2 > Reach > H3. The only upside to three was the maps.
  12. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Reach looks better on paper, but Halo 3 was just simply more fun in my eyes.
  13. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have to completely disagree with you. It's probably just what playlist you choose to play because 9 out of 10 times I play with a group of 3v3 with usually 1 noob at max. The rest of the players (including me :troll:) are all pro's, although I have to mention that people seem to quit earlier when they are getting owned than it used to be back in the days.

    I prefer H3 over Reach even though Reach is actually a better game when it comes to forge, community playlists (well, not anymore..) and custom games (there's so much more content than before, simply because it has become so much easier to forge and there so many more things to think of), and of course the assassinations (I still enjoy them :p). Armor abilities are cool as well but neither Bungie nor 343i never used it to its full potential. There should have been specific maps for the armor abilities, so people could really use that specific AA at its best on that map. The reason I prefer H3 is because Halo 3 was still Halo-ish unlike HR, which is much more like a tactical game such as Call of Duty and other shooters. In Halo 3 you could out-BR opponents and get easy doubles or triples or even better multikills. In Halo Reach you're doomed when you face two noobs with DMRs on your own, even if you were the first to start shooting. Which means you have to be a lot more campy and stay on the background if you don't want to get slaughtered all the time. Not to mention the overpoweredness of grenades. The good thing about this easy way of dying when being in the battlefield all the time though is that teamwork has become much more important. But in Halo 3 teamwork would already pay off as well so that's not that big of a difference.
    Also, maps were much more balanced and more fun in general. And of course Living Dead didn't suck that bad.

    Overall, I like Halo 3 better for the competitive gameplay and the real arcade-like Halo feeling, but Halo Reach is a better game when it comes to funny custom games (Insane gametype has made it even greater to think of original minigames and stuff), Forge (Halo Reach really got me into forging) and things like Firefight and Campaign online (never used it up to now, though).

    Funny little detail: In Halo 3 I could rape with the splaser, but in Halo Reach I've become a decent sniper :)
    The spartan laser should become more useful in Reach :(
    #13 REMkings, Jan 16, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2012
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    The leading mechanic was, much like bloom, great in theory but bad in practice. It was inconsistent in terms of how well it worked, either due to netcode and dropped shots or the badly implemented spread.

    There wasn't less auto aim, if you mean reticle magnetism anyway. There was slightly less bullet magnetism, but tbh it was still pretty awful, you just don't notice the majority of the time because of the aformentioned factors which simply make the gun less accurate and reliable.

    I honestly hate the burst aspect, it just makes shooting inherently easier by a) lowering repeat rate and b) spreading the damage of a single round over 3 which enables sweeps and swings to get some of the damage. It means you can hit some of a burst rather than either hitting or missing a whole round.

    The strafe point is very true, but that's not a problem with the DMR, and tbh Halo 3 had pretty bad movement acceleration compared to CE and 2. I think that having a single shot weapon back is the single best aspect of Reach, even with the high bullet magnetism and bloom (which, to be fair, has been greatly helped by 85%). If Reach didn't have such a godawful strafe I think more people would see how solid the DMR is.

    I still think that single shot is better. I agree that, if it's actually done properly then shot leading is a beneficial mechanic, moreso than bloom since it adds a contextual skill that doesn't force the game to slow down. Single shot, non hitscan, no spread weapon with good netcode would be fantastic imo. But then that's only taking one aspect of H3, shot leading, which wasn't even implemented well in that game, so meh.
  15. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I preferred H3.

    Less bullshit.
  16. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    People theses days dont like change. Reach was an evolution of H3. Its a completely new sandbox and a completely new playstyle. Each game has its own little problems and its up to the player to decide which they prefer.

    Saying that one is better than the other is simply your opinion and to be brutally honest, your opinion does not matter in the slightest. You are allowed to have one, but do not force it on anyone.

    Personally, Reach has been good to me. It feels like H3 but better. Yes, I prefer the BR over the DMR, but other than that the weapons feel much more powerful and more like what they would do in the real world (500 years in the future). The H3 guns were a bit "pewpew" but the Reach guns are a bit more "bangbang".

    That's my opinion.
  17. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I really want to go back to Halo 3, but it doesn't feel the same as it used to. Most of my favorite playlists are empty and run by full parties, none of my friends are into the game, and I feel like I have outplayed the hell out of it. I definitely notice flaws with Reach that I felt H3 had perfected, but H3 had its own set of flaws and now it feels like it is all outdated.

    At this point, I feel like it would be harder to get back into Halo 3 and relive the many good memories that I once had rather than try to make a new set of good ones with Reach.
  18. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
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    Halo 3 > Halo Reach.

    Halo Reach is a disgrace to the Halo franchise, a publicity "stunt" for Activision.
  19. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    "Your opinion does not matter in the slightest"?? WTF? If I am shelling out good money out of my wallet, then MY opinion and everyone else's DOES matter. How could you be so obtuse?

    Oh and BTW Halo 3 > Reach. Reach was a joke and a slap in the face to the franchise. The gay AA's, crappy maps, crappy weapons, crappy playlists, The retarded and non sensical removal of VIP (The best custom game in Halo 3). Should I go on? Nah, we have all heard this before.

    I am down for some Halo 3. Send me an message if anyone would like to play sometime. Let's hope that 343 does not have their heads up their ass like Grungie did towards the end. Let's hope that Halo 4 will be so great that we can all just forget about Reach. The only part of Reach I play now is Battle Tracks, Rocket Race, Savage Tracks, Racing and infection and mini games. Everting else is not worth my time anymore/
  20. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I forgot to mention the very very worst part of Reach: The credit system.
    I hate how your rank is connected with your amount of credits and because you earned a lot of credits just by playing a lot of games or, if you're one of that kind, boosting in Firefight, you're declared to be a "good" player just because you have a lot of credits.
    The level ranking system in Halo 3 was way better. However, I do like the fact that you can use the credits to buy new armor, and there's also a lot more choice now compared to H3.

    Bungie should have used both the credit and level system.
    #20 REMkings, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012

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