REVIVAL (work in progress. tell me what you think) I'm kinda liking the structure so far... If you have any ideas or want to assist, I'd appreciate it. DOWNLOAD Here are the pics: ___________________________________________________________________________ Map Update. Red and Blue bases are recently finished. Pictures:
ohh damn that looks nice i like the asthetics and the way you used the tower tall 3 is ****ing briiliant. and the stairs look well with the map, but the tin cups are alittle bit iffy and expensive but if you can make them look more natrual it would look cool map looks promising keep up the good work.
Thx. Hahha I kinda got the concept from Babylon (by Timmypanic). And all of the competition lately, I thought i had to step it up. I guess it'll be out within a week or two. Depending on when i get the outer bases finnished and the objectives set out.
I can see the resemblemce betwee the two/ and for the map being symetrical I think it could turn out niceley
What's creepy, is your avatar. As for the map, Security, it looks nice. It is competitive, right? Can you put up a DL link for this?
The geometry, from what I can see, actually looks pretty solid (besides the blank space where I assume bases are going). It seems like you don't really have an aesthetic theme. For the most part the map looks good, but all the areas feel different (aesthetically). I could tell you to find a few pieces you like and build the map with them, but seeing as aesthetics come down to personal choice and often times don't affect gameplay, I won't.
The theme is supposed to look gothic/mid-evil. Sort of like a cathedral or something. And yes, Eightball, it is competative. Glad ya like it.
On the first and second pictures I can see you have used brace larges. A layer vertical then another layer on an angle. To make it look cleaner and to save objects use bridge inclines instead. I hope they are actually called that :/ just turn them upside down to get the same effect. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Scrap that, it wont work
I joined your game yesterday ....... Looks nice ! The way the map is made make me fell like im playing gears of war ...... If you need any kind of help for this map ...... ask to Shik to invite me
Yea thanks. And i could use the help. All i'm good at is laying out CTF and Slayer. Im a newb in some ways but the structure's finished. just need a little touching up.
Great job so far! I would like to help test if im online. I do like the teleporter frames ontop of pillars and your use of pieces. The 4 windows to make design I had used on few unpublished maps. If you tilt by 1 degree into eachother gives nice pattern and clean look.
I DL'd and took a look at this. There are a few interesting elements to the design that I like ( the rock windows especially) but nobody is EVER going to come down out of that sniper tower. EVER. I've got LOS on every possible approach to the rocket, which is the only thing that could push me out of there. I would look into making the tower more vulnerable, or possibly even moving/cutting the sniper entirely. Also, seeing as how this is such a small map, I would consider replacing that rocket with a grenade launcher. In my experience, this works much better at this scale.