ValkarieThe UNSC didn't expect to find a Forerunner war machine in their excavations. At least not on this scale. Valkarie is a symmetrical map that will fit 2-16 players. There are a few "levels" on the map with Red and Blue bases being at the highest points. The lowest point is the center of the map that is a 6-way intersection with 4 ways leading up, and 2 way on the same "level". This is my first map that I thought would be presentable to the world and I would like some feedback. It Supports all game types except Infection (and variants), Invasion, Race, and Territories (and Variants). Map Overview: Blue Base (Red is Symmetrical) Map Center 2X DMR [2 extra clips] 2X Assault Rifle [2 extra clips] 2X Sniper Rifle [1 extra clip] 2X Shotgun [1 extra clip] 1X Rocket Launcher [1 extra clip] 8X Frag Grenade 2X Needle Rifle [2 extra clips] 2X Needler [1 extra clip] 1X Energy Sword 8X Plasma Grenade 6X Health Station
When I saw the first picture I went Whoa!. It's a big map to play on when I noticed the size of the uncaged map. I think sixteen players on that map will get a bit hectic. So you don't need to do this if you want to but can you narrow it down to like twleve to fourteen players it'll get less hectic if you know what I mean. That's what I'm thinking. People think I'm wrong about my feedback about too much players and stuff like that. That's what I'm thinking. Goob Job. - EpICx ReMiX XD
I know what you mean. I'm never sure how many players to allow on the map when I make them. Part of me does think 16 is just fine but the other part says narrow it down to 12. There is a lot of space in the map with the few levels it has, but I think what will make it most hectic would be all the strong weapons it has.
It looks like you have a lot of long lines of sight and nothing really breaking them up. Also, the map appears to be mostly walkways and seems to lack any sort of dance floor (more open space that allows more movement and all around more strategic encounters. Power weapon wise, I'd say you've got WAY too many. And because of the openness of the map, half of them wouldn't be all that effective.
I agree with Nibbs. I would recommend rather than having the middle ground at the low point and bases up high, try flipping it around. that should bresk those long sightlines. And yess, the map looks to small for 16 players. I'd say 8-12. Finnally, cut back on power weapons. Id recomend 1 rocket in the middle with a shotty on either side. snipers only if they have no spare clips. Nevertheless, +1 DL
The idea of the map was to be a walkway like "theme". I'll try to add crates and maybe cover panels. Thanks for the Weapons aspect though. I might keep the energy sword, but put a single Rocket Launcher where the hammer spawns (both in the middle but on opposite sides.) The only thing about the sniper, even on the size of the map, if it spawns with only one clip, it's basically useless. It's not a map I would use the sniper on for lack of Nests though. EDIT: Weapon changes made. Spawn times edited.
Sniper with no spare clips are useless? Should guarantee two kills AT THE LEAST. Especially on a map like this where it'll be so effective
Holy crap It's the cage on steroids! lol just from glancing at the pics i would agree with sniper to add more "platform" kinda areas for some more open space battle without falling off also the bottom of the stunt ramps look messy, add blocks or sumthing to make it more cleen looking, like I like how they look for the floor, but there is no reason to see those bright blue lines or chunky pieces of the incline on the bottom or sides. just cover them in some way to make them match the rest of the lv better i guess. the piece in the middle looks realy cool. Im gana download nd give better feedback once i play on it with some friends
Thank you for giving it a go! Let me know how it goes ASAP! I can't think of were to put more platforms. Well the stunt ramps have those little dips so there wouldn't be much conflict with a incline to a different level. I can't cover anything with walkways because they are all used up.
*EDIT* I have flipped that map a little by increasing the height of middle ground substantially. There is also a bottom part at the center too. Crates have been added on the bottom walkways to block the sight lines. I will probably repost the new map once the file blackout is over.