
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Adelyss, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Adelyss
    Recommended 3v3 teams but can play 4v4


    Hello everyone. It's been a long time since I've posted a map, mostly due to me heading off to college this past few months. Anyways, Over the summer I completed my first testable/playable map. Sadly I never fully tested it enough and college came and I was unable to post the map. Today I am saying what ever and posting this half tested map, Caliper. I just wanted to get a map out there. Keep in mind the map is half tested, I don't remember if the spawns were working all correctly but i believe they weren't to much of a problem. I believe I was just mainly testing weapons and making sure the gametypes worked.

    Anyways here is Caliper, it's a arena styled map that takes on a unique aesthetic. Yeah I know you'll probably hate me for using a ton of walkway covers because they cause "Frame rate issues" but really the map doesn't have any unless you are scoped in and looking at the middle cluster of them...and thats ONLY if you are looking directly at them...which I would have noo Idea why you would lol.

    It can play all the gametypes within these parent gametypes,

    It is recommended that you play 3v3 but you can play 4v4.
    3v3 Plays better spawn wise and game speed wise.

    Weapon List
    2x Needler, 30 secs, 2 clips
    2x AR, 30 secs, 2 clips
    6x DMR, 30 secs, 2 clips
    8x Frag, 15 sec
    2x Plasma Repeater, 45 secs
    6x Plasma Grenade, 20 secs
    2x Sniper, 150 secs, 1 clips
    4x Health Pack, 30 secs
    2c Needle Rifle, 30 secs, 2 clips
    2x Shotgun, 180 secs, 0 clips
    2x Magnum, 30 secs, 2 clips
    2x Plasma Pistol, 45 secs
    1x Rocket, 180 secs, 1 clips

    Blue Base Corner
    Looking from Blue Base Spawn
    Teleporter Room/Hallway next to Blue Base
    Shotgun Corner
    Red Base
    Under Red Base
    One of the Side Structures connecting Red Base and Blue Base (Houses one of the Snipers)
    Other Shotgun room (Underneath previous image)

  2. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    It looks like a great design. But, there seems to be hardly any variety of pieces. The map is comprised of brace larges, 1x1s and Colosseum walls. I could be wrong but that's the impression I get from the pictures. Thankfully, the greenery and rocks break up the monotony of gray. I'll give it a download.
  3. Xyl007

    Xyl007 Forerunner

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    I have to agree. Without differing forge peices, a newcomer might get confused and/or disoriented. It could be just me, but I use things like that to remember the map design.
  4. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Eh yeah it's pretty bland but none two places on the map look the same considering it is a asymmetrical map and you have view of the map from almost all of the spawns so you don't get confused like you think you would. Now if this were a symmetrical map then yes It would be a concern.
  5. BlondishFiber

    BlondishFiber Forerunner

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    It lokks pritty cool it might be fun but i could be looking better with less of the same f**king block..
    gj there keep forge and you might get alot of dl!
  6. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The thing I do and don't like about this is that it is very akin to your forging style in Halo 3. I can almost see this being made on Foundry in a similar style to Lateralus and I don't know how well that style transitions to Reach. Regardless, I do like the looks of the design and the area you forged on. It looks like you didn't get too much bad lightmapping either.
  7. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Well Ace, this map originally started out with the idea of trying to bring back the Foundry style forging...I always have missed it and wished it would have continued; but over time it started to turn into more of a structure styled map. Gameplay wise it plays well...Plenty of DMR cross map action and fast paced gameplay. There doesn't seem to be any dead areas of the map when I tested it so i think it transitioned pretty well.
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Played this a long ass time ago. It played very well, like every Adelyss made map. Great job as always.
  9. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Its very clean but structure wise it is a little bland and repetitive I like how you tried to break up some of the greyness with the greenery but it is still too grey you could have used other blocks instead of the brace larges and the walkway covers I would have made this map a lot better but on a brighter note the LoS looks great and most of you aesthetics look nice besides that its a great map but your older ones were better.
  10. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    That's a very good map that you made. You give the map alot of colour such as the grass areas but there's alot of grey. Like Cavitated when he made "Bionic" before he made a update there's like no colour except the water where the bases are. Now I saw the update with him, now there's colours everywhere! I like when you put where the teleports are. There in the perfect spot for them. Good Job! c:)
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pretty much summed up my first impression. The grey wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the coliseum walls, but unfortunately they were used pretty excessively... :(
    My biggest concern actually is the LoS. Personally I think it might be too open, especially with the TU game types. Movement across parts of this map looks like it will be brutal.
  12. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Your wrong, he clearly also used a large satellite! ;)

    Map looks pretty good from the pics, i'll have to give it a DL to get a closer look.
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I hate you for using a ton of walkway covers! By the way, who is Adelyss? You come in here acting like you know people or something. Almost like I have met you before...

    JK, so I remember this from like a year ago it seems. Back then it was pretty cool, now maybe not as much but its still a solid layout. I havent played it, but I find it hard to believe it doesnt lag but I believe you, cuz I know you, lol. So, I am sure it plays well, but if I were you, I would spend some time "renewing" your aesthetics bro. Do that and you got yer self a friggin map.
  14. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I realize the aesthetics are a bit outdated/bland with this map...but I really had no intentions of every completely finishing it and I wanted to just get a Halo Reach map out there. It plays, and has a pretty solid arena styled layout so even though it may not be up to par with the maps released now it can still be enjoyable to play.

    Yeah the wall coliseums are gross to look at...but when I was forging this map I started out with only the flooring and the walls, kind of like old school Halo 3 forging given a base map. I built off of my "map" to make this final map. Hence the over use of wall coliseums.

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