Hello fellow forgehub members, how are you doing today. I have a new map that I have built within a few days and want to show you guys. I apologize for the bad image quality, I am using my Dazzle to take these pictures. Please note that my main focus for this map was on gameplay/ navigation, not on visuals. The pictures shown below do not show off the side passges that leads into each base very well. I'll try to get a better picture for that.
The LoS across the center is way too long with what appears to be very little cover. Be careful with your piece usage, especially down by the water. Lights reflecting off of water is terrible for lag (I'm not saying it always happens, but it is a very easy way to produce lag). Spawning back near the bases will probably be sketchy simply because they don't really look like bases, more like a dead end. The tunnels to the sides will help that, but could ultimately cause predictable spawns. In short, you need to block some of the LoS across the middle, remove as many pieces with lights and or glass as possible and possibly redesign the bases to provide more safe spawns and exits into the main atrium.
Thank you for your comments there Nibbs. I was aware of lag issures concerning the water, but entirely forgot about the lights on railing thanks for the heads up. Spawning was also one of my main concerns, of which you pointed out very well in your post. Do you think I should break into the back of bases to help create safe spawns zones, and where else do you think I should place them? I'll go ahead and edit my map. When I'm done I'll edit this thread and inform you guys of the changes. One word, Dazzle.