Im unsure if i should Finish Up This Custom Maps Series (Pics New & Old)

Discussion in 'Reach Screenshots & Videos' started by Dai Tou Zai, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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    Basically back in halo 3 i made a series called "Super smash bros" and it was great fun so i decided when halo reach first came out that i was going to remake all the old 10 maps and also make 20 new ones but im not sure if i want to finish them or not...

    anyways basic premise of the custom is you will spawn with random weapons and go around killing eachother (Its very fast gameplay) the teleporter is to teleport you to the power weapons (AKA Tank, Wraith e,c,t) but you could only go through it every 1 minute and most of the times people would gang up on you once you got the power weapons so its very fair... anyways heres the pictures so i want your opinions if i should continue making them until i finish all 30 maps or if i should just quit (Also every map has been tested and i got mostly positive reviews for the new maps that were never published (AKA) The halo reach custom maps so ill post the pros and cons of what people said for every map

    NOT IMPORTANT - Story wise halo 3 is in the future when the land is destroyed and halo reach is in the past when everything wasn't destroyed by war

    also i changed the name from super smash bros to elthric warzone

    so here are the pics (Keep in mind the pro's and cons are for the halo reach custom map not the halo 3 lol i just threw in the halo 3 custom map to show how far iv come with forging)

    Map Name - The Fire Dojo (OLD) / The Water Dojo (NEW REMAKE)
    Pros - Very fast gameplay, Very Fun, good flow to the map besides getting stuck some things, Looks Great
    Cons - Sometimes you get stuck on things but not often, Needs More Spawns

    Map Name - Old Railway (OLD) / New Railway (NEW REMAKE)
    Pros - Fast Gameplay, Fun, Great Flow, Looks great
    Cons - None

    Map Name - Crashed (NEW)
    Pros - Fast Gameplay, Looks cluttered but thats how the map is suppose to be, very good detail, Looks great
    Cons - Very Small Map, Can't keep up a kill streak, Sometimes you get stuck here and there but nothing big, Very Fun

    Map Name - Dam Of Lec (OLD NO PICTURE THOUGH) / Dam Of Lec (NEW REMAKE)
    Pros - Looks Amazing, Great Flow, Alot of different pathways, Very Fast Gameplay, Very Fun
    Cons - None

    Map Name - Rundown Rid (NEW)
    Pros - Fast, Looks the best out of all the maps so far, Great Flow, Different Pathways, Very Fun
    Cons - Some jumps can be annoying

    So should i finish the rest of the 24 maps or just give up? i kind of feel as though halo reach is dead and i haven't played reach sense the month it came out (Each map took about an hour to make)
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Reach is most certainly not dead. And it is our duty as Forgers to keep it alive. ;)
    So yeah, you can release those maps, as I can tell by the pictures you're pretty good at forging maps. And I really like the tombstyled door that's been blocked off with sandbags, in the fifth screenshot.
  3. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    that picture of that map on the big rock mountain looks very cool i dont think reach is dead but forgeing maps is what keeps it alive. so i say no keep up the good maps
  4. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    The maps look great, and if they only took you an hour each, I don't know why you wouldn't finish them...
  5. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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    because i have to make 24 more maps to finish the series
  6. MidnightoasT

    MidnightoasT Forerunner

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    You don't exactly have to...
  7. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I like Crashed and The Water Dojo. Can't say the same about the others though.
  8. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    If I am not mistaken, the most amount of fileshare slots you can have is 24, so you wouldn't be able to post all of them at once because there is a custom game type. So unless you have access to another fileshare (Like if a family member has live) You're going to find yourself in a pickle when it comes to posting.
  9. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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    sweet thanks for telling me this XD now i only have to make about 18
  10. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    I'm not sure but when you made the title in Halo 3, "Super Smash Bros" was extremely mis-leading. It had nothing to do with the game. So im glad you changed it. Elthric Warzone seems like a perfect name for this hectic gametype. I honestly think 30 maps are too much work unless all of them get the same amount of recognition. What im trying to say here is, all of them might not be played. Only the good ones. Because I know people will get bored after making or downloading a series of 6-12 maps. So if i where you, I would stick to 4-8, or maybe 10 if people like them a lot.

    Anyway, you had a good idea from the start. At least its better than Overboard.
  11. Dai Tou Zai

    Dai Tou Zai Forerunner
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    Thanks i think ill finish up 4 more maps and than release... if enough people want more maps than ill make them

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