EXALTED Download Download Exalted CTF Download Conquest v2 An interlocked and geo-merged map that took me a good 25 hours, spanning about 2 weeks to make. Only set up to be played with CTF and Conquest. If requested, I may set it up for other game types, but it was made with these two in mind and doesnt play as smoothly with anything else. Exalted is completely symmetrical. It has two identical bases on either side of a long, narrow, hallway closing off the camo elvator. On the opposite side of the hallway is a Fuel Rod which is the easiest way to destroy the pallets that lead up to the flags. :: Weapons :: 6x0|0300secs0|20clips0|0Battle0Rifle 2x0|0300secs0|20clips0|0Carbines 2x0|0300secs0|20clips0|0Assault Rifles 2x0|0300secs0|20clips0|0SMG 2x0|0300secs000000000||Plasma0Rifle 1x0|0300secs0|20clips0|0Shotgun 1x0|0600secs0|10clips0|0Fuel Rod Gun :: Equipment :: 2x0|0300secs0|0Bubble Sheild 4x0|0200secs0|0Frag Grenades 4x0|0200secs0|0Plasma Grenades 1x0|0600secs0|0Camo :: Pics - Updated :: The flag spawns at the top of these pallets, as well as one of the territories in Conquest Area beside red spawn Ledge beside red tower Red Tower Ovierview of Fuel Rod Camo hallway Blue Tower Blue spawn Wraith that hangs above the level Download Download Exalted CTF Download Conquest v2 Please post any comments and criticism, Im always willing to make a v3 if anyone wants.
YAY you got it on finally!!! This map owns lol. Im guessing you fixed the wraith and other problems or something? Pallet Pros 4 life lol. I had a blast testing and helping with this map and it truly is great, original and fun. Great job Novak :]
Im hoping to add some more stuff after I can get a better test game going. I also just realized these pics arent updated, Im going to bed so I dont have time to fix them, Ill try to tomorrow morning. EDIT: Yeah, it says 6-10 playesr in the description. So 3v3 or 4v4... or 3v4 if youre feeling cocky.
Nice map, I like the layout. Also aw I was going name my map that oh well I got a new name for it anyway.
That sucks, hopefully you think of something better. I was actually gonna name it Palletizer but then I realized Cosmic already used that, and I didnt want to start anything.
Looks good tyvm for making a good interlocked playable map the last three i checked out were "pictures soon" "no pictures yet" and i was getting ready to leave, but yours is great, and a nice post also 4.5/5
Its hard to tell from the pics... I couldnt get any gameplay yet. All the double and fence boxes are geomerged with the floor so you can bounce nades and they wont get stuck underneath, the double boxes are interlocked so only the smooth side shows on both sides, example, and the flag is on top of stairs made of pallets and is extremely hard to get. Im not sure if anyones done the first two, but the pallet stairs Im 99% sure no ones done anything like that before. Thanks. I always try and put as much info as I can so people are more informed. I tried the "no pics right now, I just posted the thread and the pics will be up in like 10 minutes" thing and the first 5 posts were 'omg no pics u suk' and the map got like 20 dls. The wraith... haha, not really, I guess if everyone in the game throws a nade up at it it might knock off. I think the only reason it fell off during that test game was cause the camo elevator wasnt done yet and someone got on top of the bridges and actually got in it. Pallet Pr0z 4 lyfe
remakes ftw! I think this looks like it has a lot of good merging, but there is one section (flag spawn) that just looks soooo open to me...
Looks like you definitely put some effort into your map! Great merging...looks smooth too. add me on xbl boydcr2 and i will help you in a test if ya want at some point...keep on forign!
I like the hallway made of bridges in the last screen, looks like epic fights could happen there. im not too fond of the pallet flag spawn though :/ but thats just me 4/5
this looks decent, i can tell you spent a lot of time on it, but it looks REALLY easy to get out of the map, and the stairs look like theyd fall after you jumped on them
Very clever BR in Fuel Rod, and the map reminds me of a castle on some ways.... By the way there is a wraith!? Its not in the Pic's...
I blocked off most the places to jump out with barriers. I dont think theyre there in the pics I have now, Im gonna update everything tonight. I really wanted to put a few brute shots down for knocking down the flag pallets but that would make it almost impossible to make it unbreakable. And yeah, the pallet stairs are supposed to fall. You get one shot at each one, and then you have to wait for the instant respawn to work. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt, depends on if the pallet is destroyed or not. Sometimes they stay up, its all dependent on how you land. Yeah, the Wraith is there for decoration. It hangs above the level right over the very middle. Therell be a pic of it in the next update which should be sometime later tonight.
It's a pretty good map, you used the techniques well, but when I played people kept jumping out of the map where the towers are. If you could fix this it would be great, besides the one problem it was really fun to play on.