Opps lol well I dont know I need your oppinon first if oyu check out my gallery plus i want ot get 1 or 2 vectors done first.
looks epic, though, im curious...why does it say "Reynbows Sig Gallery" now? not so n so complete so n so in progress? have u retired? you letting down teh community? you failing at life? you not existing? you gaining 60 pounds a second? try slimfast....
I can completely understand why you would close this. DOnt worry about making one for me, that is if am a special person. I can and will make my own awesome sigs.
WTF!!!! I was checking to see if my sig was finished and I see sigs only for special people?!?!? You should have atleast finished my sig if you started it.
lulz, you shouldn't have to do anymore than you want to, this isn't your job, it was like a hobby. if anyone demands anything of him i'll get a mod on you or something, i can't think straight right now.
Lolz yah, I'm only making sigs for people I want to. Friends 'n' such. Not some nub that isn't even active on the forums.
HA!!! HAHAHAHHAAHA!!! there is absolutely no reason that rey should make any MORE sig's he made so many for the community, and i dont think people understand how long it takes to make a sig, after getting all the pics ready, the font ready, the layers set, the special design taken care of, then once the pic is finally put togethor NICELY, it takes a little more time just getting it all posted here (upload, then put up, then edit thread...) etc. im sure that i missed something, but back to what i was orginally saying... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I think i just meged Nicko...
you meged him good. i think if you start up again you should have a minimum post count that is around 200-250 for you to request a sig.
Oh man, I hope I'm a special person. Wait, doesn't special mean..... HA HA. Well really I hope I'm one of these special people, I played with you so if that has anything to do with it. What's meged? Oh, and I'm pretty active on the forums. I'm just new, so I'm trying to fix in.
mege is 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 x the power of awesome sauce in half the mass. as for special, i r speshal?
i have to agree, the 200-250 post count sounds pretty legit, maybe even 500 anyway as for mege(thanks again rey xD) Mege is not something you can explain, it's just something you know. If you know Mege then you are truly worth of greatness, if you don't know what Mege is you are truly worth of fail. Mege is a way of life, nothing you can do in life will compare to the pureness of Mege itself, but living by Mege is everything and nothing at the same time. I only wish I could truly explain to you what Mege is but no explanation could truly give justice to what Mege is. oh, and who can forget the timeless classic: Put one Mege in, put your one Mege out, put your one Mege and shake it all about! You do the Megey Pokey and you turn around! That's what it's all about! HEYYYYYY The Megey Megeyy, Heyyy the Megey Megey!