Skedar The idea for this map came to me way back, some years ago. Sadly Halo 3's Forge engine couldn't quite do the job. Reach's Forge handled much better, although they removed some blocks I really could have used. This map's roots go as far back as the Nintendo 64 and its game Perfect Dark, another 1st Person Shooter and spiritual seccessor to 007 GoldenEye. Specifically, and more to the point, it is the recreation of the map Skedar. All weapon placements match exactly to those in Perfect Dark with only slight modification due to Reach's physics. Simplicity is this room's middle name so I started here first and branched out into the other rooms. That pillar in the middle underwent several different transformations before I found something that I both liked and worked well with the map. (Yes, you can safely stand on top, provided you can get to it) Above is one of my favorite rooms. Twin balconies overlook the shotgun, seen from the viewpoint of the less accessable of the two. The pillars in the middle provide limitted cover to players on the floor. I predict the most action will be here. This is the biggest room and has the most exits and entries. There are also Power Weapons and plentiful Medpacks. This room is smallish, but very open. The rocks make for interesting combat. An escape tunnel (off screen) with a medpack introduces clever tactics and surprizes. I think it would be ideal for a Jet Pack. Fly above the crowd while they labor for footing, or burst up from that escape tunnel and shock everyone. This map was originally called Reminiscence because you remember Perfect Dark "Skedar" level while you play it (at least I do).
It look like a very nice map I haven't played Perfect Dark before but from what I can see this map is great I am not a big fan of the open roof It doesn't seem to fit the map and you said it will work with jetpack so the open roof will cause players to try to escape the map. And yes you should change the map name to SKEDAR
I left the roof open because of two reasons: 1. it's true to the map that some spots are left open to the sky. 2. I actually ran out of blocks that would make good covers. My use of Soft Kill Zones should conpensate, however. I personally ran through the map with a Jet Pack in a Custom Game and found the Boundaries quite adequate. I'll go back over and see if any tweaks need to be made. Believe it or not I was actually afraid Nintendo would sue me for copyright infringement if I named the map "Skedar." I also wanted something poetically Halo since they use names like "Pointbreak" and "Hemorrhage."
Its been over 10 years since I've even thought about perfect dark... but these pics completely have me remembering about the days of killing bots with my wife in our apartment in Colorado... Looks very faithful just from what I've seen.
never played pd, but the lv looks solid, i love the shotgun room 2, i love how u made the diamond pieces. will download nd give better feedback soon.
This looks pretty damn close to the original map. Nicely done, it'll get queued to download the next time I get on Halo. I was thinking about doing a map for Foreign Treasures, but I didn't have the time. If I did however, it would have been either a map from PD or Goledneye 64. You beat me to the punch, though.