I've loved Halo since the first game came out but didn't get my xbox until around the time Reach came out. I love to both forge, and test out maps (or play community maps just for fun). I don't usually make anything bigger than 5v5 (usually 4v4 or 2v2). Mainly came to this website because none of the people in my Reach clan like to forge as I do and forging alone.. I either run out of new ideas or just get bored. Feel free to add me on Live. GT SinisterToast (but tell me where you know me from).
Hi Toast, Welcome to Forge Hub... A few words of wisdom: Read the Rules Check out the TRC Guild and see if you'd like to help out in any of them. It's a great place to start meeting new people who'd like to Forge with you Don't tell Bloo Jay you're in a clan! Have fun!