one friggin question, you...make objects (mongoose, barrel, cones) stay on the ground...all i want to know, been looking to do that since i started forging...
4/5 Ahh this looks like a good implementation of the "angled map" approach. Shift wasn't good at all, but the concept was great! Looks really cool, can't wait to play it =D
gravity lifts, just found out...and as cool as the pics look, the technique is disappointing.......i wanted legit upside down objects damn you!!! aside from the disappointment, this looks really good, and reminds me of true art...keep up the forging good sir
Wow, this map looks so messed up but forged excellently. I like how you used grav lifts to keep immovable stuff up. At first I was like, WTF?
I am probably showing my age with this comment but here it goes...this reminds me of a scene in the movie labyrinth....I love this map!!! Who cares how it plays lol just the pure creativity of it gets a 5/5 from me...ya got my DL....keep on forgin!
OMG Labyrinth was awesome, David Bowie FTW (Showing my age too now) Sorry I didn't make movable objects truly stick to the ceiling, I cheated. I didn't use a grav lift for the BR on the "ceiling ledge" though, I used a weapon holder... I'm glad so many people like the map. For some people it just wont be their cup of tea. Hopefully there are enough people out there that either appreciate the creativity, the imagination or the technical skill required to pull off something like this, or they just like the crazy effect it does to their mind, or they think it actually plays as a good slayer map (lolz) Alot of attention to detail went into the finer touches of this map, things like how the weapons and grenades spawn in a believable position you would expect them to if the map wasn't tilted and stuff. Other things like ensuring that pretty much every wall and part of object could be walked on was very difficult to do with the multi-angled approach I took, I didn't just simply tilt it a little bit so it was a bit skewy, I actually made it so it really seems like your defying gravity at certain points, that's the effect I was going for, a true optical illusion. You may notice little touches like in the small tilted room, looking from one side of the room it looks like one wall is supposed to be the floor, but if you look at it from the other side then the other wall suddenly looks like it should be the floor. Conversly the large room is made to appear as though each wall is infact the wall and not the floor.
Yeah the running joke I do when showing my friends this map is I say "OK guys I want you to tell me what you think of my new slayer map, I may not have gotten the walls perfectly flat but I don't think that should be a problem"
that is epic, i love this map, havent even had the chance to fight on it yet, but everything about it is making me laugh hysterically...i will definately be getting back to you once i have played it though, hot damn i can't wait...
WOW Buddha u never cease to amaze me i will try and sneak this into one of our review session. even tho we are kind overloaded right now
LOL that is just great. I am very intruiged by this map. So odd, I must figure out how this works, you have my download. I'm gonna see how my friends will react to this. Keep up the forging, I want to see more maps from you.
just saw it on FFT. this is best tilted map yet. even better than shift. you must've spent a lot of time on this.
Haha, i lol'ed so hard when i saw the pics! great idea. even if i was losing i would be laffing my head off cuz id be like "OMFG! THERE CRAWLING ON THE WALLS!!!1!!11!11!ONE!!1