So I have decided to challenge myself and create a mini-game in a little over 24 hours, completely from scratch. I have spent an hour and a half playing around with man cannons and shooting players down from them but they have proved to be unreliable. So I decided to just draw up an idea, then see how well it transfers to Halo. This is what I have: It is a mini-game where 6 teleporters shoot you across the playing field and toward other players, possibly bumping into them to mix things up. The large teleporter at the bottom catches players and sends them back up into the air, using momentum to fire players. The object of the game is to kill players flying through the air so that they respawn outside of the KOTH zone. It is a FFA KOTH. A couple things I need help with: - What weapons should players start out with? A grenade launcher? Concussion Rifle? - What should the respawn area's player's use to help affect the game, without immediately killing a player who is still in the KOTH zone? - Any other tips, suggestions, flaws you see?
I think that players should start with a DMR as the Primary weapon and have a more rewarding but challenging weapon as a secondary. Maybe a plasma launcher or a grenade launcher?
Get rid of the respawn area and have players go back into the game normally and use plasma repeaters, focus rifles, or assault rifles on bottomless clip and instant kill. Otherwise no one will die for a long time and the kill just goes to the last person to damage them.
I would use sniper rifles with maybe bottom less clip. No shields and each person gets 1 could make it king of the hill so that the last man standing would win. If you need any help making it just send me a message through XBL.
im actually looking for people to play custom maps with my gamer tag is PIX Blurr feel free to add me im tired of the same old thing in matchmaking
You know what would be really crazy? Random weapons. In a minigame like this, it only makes more sense than it doesn't. Because it should and it does, and always will.