L i n u b i d i x P r e s e n t s Fracture. DOWNLOAD HERE Also, this in no way is associated with Iv0ry Snak3's featured map Fractured Creation. I created this map quite a while ago. It was made around Easter Time. The creation of the layout took around 2 days. I've spent the past several months tweaking the map and changing weapon placement. Layout. The layout of this map is quite hard to describe so I wont, I'll leave that mainly to the pics. I'll provide a brief desciption. There is a central base which holds the oversheild. Defenders spawn in a base strutcure which holds a sniper. The Attackers spawn is not so much base but it is a a part of a main walkway. There is a man cannon truck. Um, Its still quite hard to describe. Weapons/Equipment. (It may seem overloaded but that is not how it plays out) 2 - Assault Rifle 4 - Battle Rifle 4 - Carbines 2 - Shotgun - Both with 0 clips and only accessible via crouching 1 - Needler 2 - Sniper RIfle - One with 1 clips, the other with 0 clips 2 - Rocket Launcher - One with 1 clips, the other with 0 clips 2 - SMG 2 - Spiker 1 - Energy Sword 1 - Bubble Sheild 10 - Frag Grenades 10 - Plasma Grenades 1 - Oversheild 1 - Active Camo 1 - Traffic Cone, I wont tell you where it is. It's not that hard to find but if you find it, let me know. Screenshots An overview Another Overview Central Base Looking over to the central base, the wall is used as a stepping stone. Underneath the Central Base, where a shotgun is located In that open double box is where the other shotgun is located A small overview, the top of the central area. Oversheild is shown. Looking at the attackers area A turn to the left, in fact the attckers kinda spawn all over that corner. You see the two way node. Well, here's the other one. Carbine is shown Looking over the the area shown in the last picture Defender base The Grav Lift Boxes which are located next to the defenders spawn A higher look from the last pic. Sword can be seen in the corner The Man Cannon Truck Needler Spawn View at the the central base from the needler spawn Thank you for viewing my map Fracture. I hope you enjoy it. I've spent quite some time on this and it has been sitting on my hard drive for about two months. Let me know what you think. Critisism is always welcome. Cheers, Linubidix. If you didnt see it up top DOWNLOAD HERE
Hmmm....It looks like the overshield and shotgun would be easier for the attackers to get. Is that on purpose?
Great job! A very inspirational map to me...I love some of the interlocking you have done...definitely provokes more ideas for me...Ya have my DL....keep on forgin!!
YOU STOLED MAH NAME *****!!! nah i'm kidding, i don't care, it looks like a pretty cool map, although some of the interlocking is a little untidy like how the edges of the stairs stick out of the walls and one of the waalls in pic 2 looks a little off, but that's just me being picky.
some of the interlocking looks unnessacary. kinda looks like you interlocked for the sake of interlocking
wow linubix great job on the map 9/10 here's why 1) the gravlift boxes look last minute and doesn't improve gameplay 2) it seems easy to get out of
Well Ive tried and failed to escape this map, and so have a couple friends. Also the grav lift boxes weren't last minute. Although, it can be a pain to walk over them, they can be destroyed and it could provide a great spot for oddball. Also, they respawn every 10 seconds, I think.
well thank you for explaining your reason and don't get me wrong this is an excellent map but you could make a v2 with a structure where the 4 grav lift boxes are but it still is superb
DLed and played...Awesome job..the only thing I didnt like is how easy it is to grenade jump right at spawn and get the rockets...other than that I love it...Great job...keep on fogin!
just last sunday i had a lan with linubidix and a few other people we know and it worked very well for capture the flag and slayer 4v4 and 3v3. its also good for ffa.
IDK for some reason the pics are so laggy in my screen i cant even see its like one picture draggs over to the next. sorry the things are too laggy but maybe its pretty good(cant even download its way to laggy)
I was playing this with few people bout an hour ago and I found that this works really well with Crazy King. A small party 4-6 Crazy King on Fracture. is great, try it out. Everyone thats played on it has enjoyed themselves.