Title: Dominion Download: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21075689 Screenshots: Description: This map is meant to be played with variants of Slayer, CTF, Assault, and Oddball. One-sided objectives and slayer make for the best gameplay. Structures littered around this map make for excellent close-range gameplay, tied in with reasonably long distances making for some long range confrontations. Creative use of lifts makes for interesting player movement. Use of techniques like floating and merging combined with thought-through design make this the best forged map thewestwalker.net has to offer. This map is a complete from-scratch remake of the map 'Submission' uploaded a few weeks ago. A few changes have been made and more advanced forge methods were used to provide a smoother game experience. Map made for use in the upcoming ladders on http://halo3.thewestwalker.net/. Ladder site test build is up and publicly available at beta.thewestwalker.net for anyone interested in seeing what it's all about.
qued for download, the presentation looks great, but i definately feel like there needs to be some playing done before i can give a full opinion
To be hoest, I am realy "moved". Every map I have been looking at today looks the same. Two bases, yatayatayata. But this looks quite different, like a city map or something. Lots of nookks and crannys, nice. You've got my D/L. Thanks.
Wow! I'm not sure I expected this map to be recieved so well, thanks guys! And testing on the site is going smoothly, soon this map will be included in a number of different ladders.
The four current gladiator maps will quite probably be redone similar to this one with the old Submission, and then new ones can be made. First priority is the site, though.
Looks very nice with the interlocking and the connections between buildings. As someone said earlier in the thread, I am reminded of ghost town in some parts. The only thing I would question is how well does the map flow? I see more grav lifts then stairs, and usually that means that it would be harder to attack a building when defenders are already up on top.
There are three grav lifts on the map, and two are right next to each other. The first is a lift from the 2nd level of snipe to the top, which also has stairs going up the front. The lift propels you towards the center of the top tower, making it useful for close-range assaults on a sniper camping up on top. The second set of lifts are in the shotgun building. They propel you upwards and either to the left or right, depending which one you jump into. The layout looks a bit like this: The arrows show the path of the lifts. Walls were made transparent for viewing quality. One of the screenshots shows this setup pretty well. I have found it to be tactically interesting with this setup. There are places with dumpsters, stairs, etc for getting to the same place the lifts take you, but they just provide another interesting method of transport.
This map is featured in a number of playlists on the test build of our website at beta.thewestwalker.net. Play this map and others in custom playlists with our new tournament software.