gametype idea help!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by mixeduplegos, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. mixeduplegos

    mixeduplegos Forerunner

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    i had these great ideas back in halo 3,that i was going to try to make in halo reach,but since so many things have changed,it would be impossible for me to forge those ideas. all of these involve V.I.P. and whilst i do have some other gametypes to do these ideas one of them is lacking the whole purpose of what it was gonna be.You see,instead of having a gametype where you defend the v.i.p,you would all spawn in different places(using a spawn zone to randomize spawning systems or lots of spawns in different places,such as stronger(back in halo 3,being next to the vip made you stronger)if they didn´t get to him at time...they would dye because of the other team,which would get custom powerups and would be basically zombies(traits would include:camo,sword,faster,jump higher,no vehicle use,etc,etc...)the humans,if they didn´t get to the vip would most likely dye,not always,but most like yes.once next to the vip,they would be a lot stronger and would be a fair match against zombies.

    the real point of the game would be,for the vip to have atleast one member of the human team,because these would be able to drive(he used to drive just like them humans,till he took an arrow to the knee)lolz,sorry for that.they would use a warthog to open a wall(crate) which would lead to,you guessed it! the vip scoring zone. But actually... back to the main point.
    How would i be able to do all of this?within halo reach´s mechanichs.
  2. Savage Tracks

    Savage Tracks Forerunner

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    Yeah, a lot of people are still pissed that Grungie nurfed VIP. I still don't understand why they removed the best custom game in Halo 3?? Oh well, let's hope that 343 does the right thing and brings back VIP! I don't really know how you could make your game without it. Try infection or something..
  3. mixeduplegos

    mixeduplegos Forerunner

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    no offense,but i was asking for a solution,not the fond memories of halo 3...

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