So basically, where can I contact 343i? I've got some ideas for Infection varaints of Maps that haven't seen Infection yet. I have a idea for a Boneyard variant that would be named Graveyard and would be the ground where the Elites spawn in the first phase of Invasion. So, if I would make that Map, how and where do I submit it? Thanks in advance.
I know that back when bungie had Halo Reach still, there were people called the cartographers, or something. And they'd test maps and put them into matchmaking, not sure anymore though. I know there was one on forgehub, but I forget who :s sorry if i'm no help
The Cartographers are still active. Just did a lobby for a subgroup one of them runs last night. Really, its a matter of networking and getting in contact with these individuals. I'd say to get a map into MM, its 90% forging, and 10% networking. Just gotta be dedicated I suppose, try to get noticed, and hope for the best.
The group is Blueprint at which has the sole purpose of getting maps ready for submission into 343i. There are a number of cartographers that frequent that forum. There is also headed by GodlyPerfection who is a cartographer. And there are others, but these two forums are the ones I work with. I also help AgentPaperCraft who is also a cartographer, but only as a helper, not as part of any group he may have himself (I don't know if he does or not). Blueprint and RP are groups of people that will help you get your map ready for MM quality and when a cartographer thinks it is ready, they will work with you to submit it for you. At that point, it enters a black hole. You only get the feedback that the CC collectively wish to give you. They are bound not to discuss internal or 343i communications with you. It has never been clear why, but I suspect to keep a lid on the hate mail for their decisions (if they don't explain themselves, then you can't complain about what they do...).
... Anyway, if you are seriously looking to get your maps in front of a CC, these are the places I recommend...
Green... I've gone one enough in already to make me happy. I'm sighing because of the lack of standards these two individuals have. These two are the epitome of why FH didn't get any representatives in the CC. Unfortunately Bungie/343 didn't know they were just as bad and self serving as most of the veterans here, and now its too late... :/
While I cannot comment on your personal experience with either person, I can tell you that I would be more than willing to help either at any moment. I would never call them the epitome of the arrogance that permeates FH.