Pandora's Fear

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Jan 13, 2012.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    Pandora's Fear
    Created By Elliot

    Recommended Players: 8-16
    Recommended Gametypes: Infection

    I remember back in Halo 3 it seemed as if Forge Hub would never feature a traditional Infection map. I remember searching the forums for one, unable to find anything worthy of the front page. Then Hub of the Dead came and everything changed. Hub of the Dead II was no different. Yet again, the best maps to be seen in a genre were spawned from a contest and Pandora's Fear was right at the top.

    One of the most important aspects of an Infection map is atmosphere. A map needs to create a certain feeling in players. It needs to convince players to believe that they're somewhere other than Asylum with zombie spawns. It must force them to feel as if no direction is safe and they must always watch their back. This is Pandora's Fear.

    Players must keep an eye on their six right as they first spawn. The game begins in a vast and awe-inspiring cave which leads into an interior complex. As players reach the steps to the complex, zombies begin hitting their teleporter spawning system and advance from all directions; from behind included. Even with a roof over their heads, humans are not safe from above as zombies can pop through numerous holes in the ceilings. Humans now attempt to put their back to a wall and last out the round. Teamwork is a must; you cannot survive alone.

    Halloween may be past but that certainly doesn't mean there is no time for infection. Pandora's Fear deserves your attention for it is one of the most convincing and enjoyable atmospheres I have ever played in Infection; hell, played period. If nothing more, stand on this map and be impressed with Elliot's impeccable forging abilities. Congratulations sir, you've got a good map here.




    Download Pandora's Fear

    You can view the original map thread by the author here.

    Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.

  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice job Elliot!!! This map is definitely good at applying a chaotic, classic infection theme
  3. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Finally! This was my personal favorite for the contest and it truly deserved so much more attention than it got. This may just be my favorite infection map. Congrats Elliot!
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Amazing map, I'm glad it got to be featured at last.
  5. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    OMG, thank you!

    Jesus, I kind of gave up with the thought of this being featured, but, it came when I least expected it. So I thank whoever made the decision to feature it.

    Cheers REMkings, you have always stood by this map :D

    Edited by merge:

    Love you Berb. :)
    #5 Elliot, Jan 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012
  6. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Better than Haunted Coast.

    'Nuff said.
  7. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Can't help it man, your map is just so awesome :D
    We should play customs sometime, I think you'd be a great help when it comes to testing my future maps
  8. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Deffo brah, add me.
  9. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Infection? Really? Do we even have standards here anymore? Our "competitive" maps these days are mediocre enough, now we're resorting to featuring mini-games and casual rubbish? I'm sorry, but cut me out on this one.

    And as far as "infection" goes, nothing comes close to H2 "zombies" on Foundation.
    #9 SecretSchnitzel, Jan 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Do you even understand what this site is?
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Not everyone likes casual, not everyone likes competitive. I think FH does a decent job at keeping the features balanced to make everyone happy.
  12. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Crushed my dreams.

    Lol joke, GTFO h8r.
  13. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hater's gonna hate, and if I have a reputation for anything here... Yeah...

    I stand by my statement. Our features suck. Not just the casual choices (which are some of my favorites btw), but the "competitive" maps as well. I think the staff really needs to reevaluate how it chooses many of these maps.
  14. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Why? Just because you don't like something, it needs to be re-evaluated? And saying Foundation infection was good makes your opinions on good infection maps, such as this, null and void.
  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No offense Nibbs, but you were how old when H2 was out? Zombies on Foundation was such a popular game type that holds a fond place in the hearts of us older gamers because it WAS such an enjoyable experience. It was so good that Bungie even made a zombie gametype in their sequel to H2. That's right, my poor choice of infection maps is actually the one that spurred the creation of said gametype. GTFO.

    I stand by my statement. Our feature selection blows.
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    Go back to MLG SS...oh wait...

    No but seriously, if you think you have better maps to be featured then bring them up in the "want to see a map featured" thread. People love to complain, but they never can give you any answers #occupymovement. So by all means, suggest some maps and I'll personally tell you exactly why they aren't featured or if they're already on the feature block. If we happened to have not seen a suggestion of yours and we like it then it gets featured, so it's win win right?

    I personally don't like infection. It's one of my least favorite gametypes actually. However, I can still recognize a good map even if the gametype doesn't appeal to me. Features are for everyone on the site and while everyone may not always enjoy every single map, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Saying "FH features suck" doesn't help though. Not one bit.
  17. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How about this Chris, there is one thing I do like about this feature; that its by a relatively unknown forger/newcomer. Or to put it more bluntly, its not by the good 'ol boys. I'm glad we're finally past that circle jerk of a feature run where you and all your buddies got a couple of your maps on the front page. That's what I really mean when I say our features suck. I'm sorry I insulted Elliot's work with my negativity here, as he most certainly deserves a couple words of congratulations for getting a feature. I may not like Infection, but this is probably more feature worthy than 90% of the stuff y'all have put up in the past half year or so.

    And no, I'm not saying "zomg forge hub is corruptz", I'm saying you guys have an innate ability to look only at the works of your own and your friends. Very rarely do you look outside your enclave for other worthy features, and on the rare occasions that you do, its because one of the more honest members of the staff has lobbied for such an action and you're appeasing the growing protests of outspoken members that you continue to write off and ignore. Occasionally we get a good feature from this, such as aPK's Cladite or Ace of Spades "Premise", but these sorts of features are few and far between.

    Oh whoops, sorry I voiced a legitimate concern that you'd rather shout down and cover up. My bad bro.

    OT: As for your cute MLG aside; Even the newbie forgers there make more colorful and innovative competitive maps than some of the "artisans" running a muck over here. But hey, its not like I expect you to actually check out any of those maps when you can barely look past your best buddies work.

    #17 SecretSchnitzel, Jan 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012
  18. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Can this arguement go elsewhere?
  19. VodkaAnyone

    VodkaAnyone Forerunner

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    Agreed, this is for map discussion and downloading - not a rant about Halo 2 was better than Halo reach infection.
  20. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Grats on the feature Elliot, this looks like one hell of an infection map.

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