infested:the script

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by mixeduplegos, Jan 12, 2012.


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  1. mixeduplegos

    mixeduplegos Forerunner

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    hello forgehub,i have been several months with this idea in my head and it ocurred to me, to share it with you guys, to have an external point of view.Right here i have a possible script for my upcomong machinima series called infected. Note that this is only the first part, i actually have it all planned out, just don´t want to give previews.
    If you guys are supportive enough,i may use tis script for the series.I also will need
    cameramen,bodyactors,voiceactors and so on... but i will post that i will put a brief summary of the first chapter of this story,followed by our anti-hero soldier rob and his two best friends who were also in the army,i will probably put the dialogue later on,this is just the story.So we shall begin our journey,if you feel like it...
    our heroes,fighting,not for their country,but for the whole planet and what was left of the human race.After years,our fellow marines took over the elites in the war of lagedia,all the rookies had to report back to planet earth,there was a new war aproaching... but not the one they were preparing for.

    As rob picked up his mates,teddy and raze,the battle started to take another side,the covenant had been able to get to the AAguns,there plan seemed to take out all the new soldiers out and then go after the veterans,rob was already in the air and could see all the other falcons dropping and crashing with each other,whilst the passengers screamed for their lives.Somehow rob wasent scared,the rushes of adrenaline made no difference on him,he was like a statue,he maneuvered the rockets shot at him and suddenly his thirst for alien blood became bigger,a lot stronger,he turned around and his crew started panicking.It´s incredible how the army can make you do things by transtorning images in your past,thought rob.He realized in the real danger he was in,for 2 seconds he lost complete control as he saw his life flash trough his eyes.Teddy took the initiative,he told rob to turn at 30 degree angle so he could have a clear shot.BOOM,SHAKALAKA! shouted raze in amazement as teddy blew up all the AAguns,one by one,nothing left but ashes.The job was done,rob closed his eyes for a brief second to take a deep breath,¨we are going home guys,once and for all¨.But what didn´t realize is that this wasn´t just the end, this was the end of the beggining.

    ¨we are MOTHER-UCKING here guys!¨ shouted teddy,¨fudge yeah!¨ it was a clear blue morning sky,they were already at base,and as they were told,they would receive 4 years of peace before going back to war.Rob enjoyed the ride every second he could,he was somehow identified with falcons,even though they were just big chunks of metal ,the feeling of flying,gave him the satisfaction that no ther thing could achieve.slow,sweet movements,gliding through the sky was a real wonder for him.
    as they were getting closer,they heard a big metallic sound on top of them,as a rush of movement went through the falcon,like waves.probably just some rocks,said teddy,this time they heard the sound even stronger,as rob looked in the rear mirror he couldn´t believe his eyes... ¨the **** is a commander doing in the right wing of the hornet¨ shouted rob. ¨WHAT?!¨ said raze,¨he´s tearing up the cables of the hornet,that son of a *****!¨.¨i think he might be crazy,said rob,still atonished,suddenly he was getting worried,after all you dont see commanders jumping on your falcon... ¨crazy?!he´s hell´a lot more than that!he´s on top of our ****ing falcon!¨screamed teddy. ¨Hey commander!hey!he.. *crushing sound* wtf?¨
    exclaimed rob, ¨what the hell our engine is broken!the blades broke him and soon will break us,if we dont find a spot to land on! *blah blah blah between team as they panick and shout*.the falcon ends up exploding fully some meters above ground,they jump to safety just at time,*more jibberish between team*.They soon notice there is no-one and no vehicñes at the landing zone,they start suspecting something is wrong,they prepare weapons,just in case...

    they get through a hall way,into a dead end,but they find another way through a crack,which leads to a failed launcg of an escape ship which is completely broken.
    they find their way through the main portal and are shocked to find the complete base,bariicaded,destroyed and deserted.¨looks like we just got in another war¨,said raze.they manage to cross the exploded bridge and find a power core guarding the main door,they decide to open by force,*shooting at power core*.*door opens* they find more of those things...thousands all eating in each other,because they are being attacked,they shoot back,getting the hell out of there,managing to barricade a door,they know they wont last long so they try ro find an alternate route.Luckily before they leave the room,they actually notice it´s an armory,they grab what they can and keep moving,*CRACK OPENS*,as they walk through the exit passage way,all the zombies start to come out.*run and shoot**run and shoot**run and shoot.Tey keep running till their last breath,they see light! Teddy says they should go for it,¨1,2,3 jump!¨ an empty space 200 metres in fall...

    a waterfall and an island,their suits,designed to be able to survive these fall(if in water) they find some more creatures,*kill them*. A boat! a new plan,find a civilian an ask,in which hell they fell in,and what´s the way out..

    thx if you actually read it entirely,if you want to have some more desciptive aspects,i´ll leave the first 2 maps of the machinima.

    #1 mixeduplegos, Jan 12, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2012
  2. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I've tried to share some screenplays and novels I've written, but nobody seems to care about reading. It's a damn shame. Anyways cool idea, but it matters how well the completion of the video is.

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