Hello everyone this is the second map pack ive been working on of the series and i would like to show you a preview of one of the maps, 'Neuroitch'. I am currently working on the second map to finalise it. Here is the description of this map- 'This once Forerunner solar plant harnesed the power of the sun, but now is part of the war under it. 2-16 Players'. so here it is, Just a brief overview..... sorta. And just a little look at the middle of the map. Thats it for this time my friends but i will return soon with the whole map pack with more images and more FISH...... for your chips! Bungie.net : Reach : Service Record
Looks pretty nice, I'll have to try it out sometime when I have I full lobby. By the way, the download link goes to your stats. Might wanna fix that.
There are a few things I don't like here: 1. You have a huge bottleneck right in the middle of the map, and while it is still pretty wide, Hemorrhage is designed around it's flanks, which you have blocked here and made the only path through a bit of a no-man's-land, very open to sniper fire and vehicles. Even with teleports, this will be a problem. 2. It's still Hemorrhage. The bases are exactly the same, and besides the blocked flanks and the few more pieces of cover, and the utterly controlling bridge up top the map will play similarly. Some vehicles look to be in the same places as well (wraith, falcon.) All in all, not that much has been changed, and I think that will reflect when you play it.
okay here we go 1) this was AGES ago, i dont even know why theyve brought it up. 2) the bases are differant and no it isnt hemmorhage, it plays completely diffeantly believe me (vehicles are pretty rubbish on it due to a spartan laser on the top bridge) 3) and yes it is a bottle neck BUT that section sticking out works as a passage and another room where vehicles cant get to so you can go through there as a short cut and get to the enemy base easily. [br][/br]Edited by merge: also this map pack is out now, im currently working on my third map pack getting it finalised and ready for release. Preview: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach...3-map-pack-3-thanatos-preview-2-new-maps.html
Lol it's so old. Looks like the mods be trollin the old map forums. I'm wondering how they even came upon this..