Its been too long ForgeHub, well, here is my (Alleged) final map in Halo Reach. ARMOR WALKERS the map name is Grab and Hold Armor walkers is a minigame (duh) that lets you well, armor walk! The Defending team gets the armor lock glitch (the one where they walk around with armor lock) and they evade into the vehicles and push them off of the level into the water! The attackers have to driver their vehicles into the scoring zone and collect as many points that way. Blah blah blah no one reads any of this **** anyway, heres pictures. Heres how the game starts, telling you to GRAB AND HOLD THE ARMOR LOCK! everyone has trouble understanding that when I tell them in a lobby, so I had to tell them in the form of unavoidable text. Defenders I'll start from the view point of the defender's side first. You start in this tiny claustrophobic cubby and the only thing to do is GRAB AND HOLD THE ARMOR LOCK! heres the part where you GRAB AND HOLD THE ARMOR LOCK! More views at GRABBING AND HOLDING THE ARMOR LOCK! Once that's done, you realize you're in a giant ass tower and fall to your death Tiny rooms are at the top, heres another view of it As you hit the ground you'll realize "im not dead, I must be a goddamn wizard!" No, you have the armor lock glitch now, the fall just kills you if you ****ed it up somehow. Another thing to note is the Evades that you dropped to pick up the armor lock are now raining down on you and that that is how more than 4 evades get spawned on the map. They fall down a giant chute and meet you at the bottom. This is a difficult thing to visualize so I'll show you a view down the chute, then an overview of the tower to show you where the chute is. Down the chute (this is right where you grab armor lock, if you want more context of where it is.) and heres where the chute is. Heres where the evades leave the chute, and they come out of the hole above that weird protruding thing. heres that that weird protruding thing again. Anyway, you're on the ground, you have armor lock and evade, lets **** **** up! All you have to do is stop the attackers from getting vehicles through! ACTION SHOTS!!! Push **** around, it's fun. Attackers Now attackers, your goal is to try to juke the armor walkers and get into the scoring bay. Heres a shot of the track. and a shot of the vehicles The scoring goes like this. Wraith - 9 points Warthog - 4 Points Mongoose - 3 points Revenant - 2 points and heres the reason scoring works like that Wraith This thing spawns frequently, it's a lot of points, and you need these to win the game, but the other team knows this too, so they try their hardest to stop you and you try your hardest to put it in. kinda like rape, but it's cool because its in a video game. Warthog This is harder to get in than the mongoose because of it's size, it also has slow acceleration so if its stopped, good luck pressing on. Mongoose Much easier to score, pretty much the baseline of scoring these are consistant and keep the game moving fast. Revenant these float over armor walkers and are very easy to score, if you're desperate for just a little more score, these are the most reliable. But Meta, how score what do? Drive into the shield door, theres a lot of work behind the scenes, where no vehicle can enter another's scoring zone. Farther inside the scoring zone. Revenants travel on the top above the shield door, because tire vehicles are only affected by shield doors when they are idle. The Warthogs travel through the shield door and travel above the railings into their specific score zone. Lastly mongeese (Mongii?) fall down to the bottom scoring zone, they would travel on the ledges, but their no prince of persia, so they just tumble down. Once the vehicle dissapears and goes onto the scoreboard, the player falls down into a human specific teleporter. (top down from the revenant score zone) Here's one last overview of the scoring bay (the tower is above the whole thing on the left. Theres so much more to explain but I really hate posting maps, so if there was anything that was unclear, hopefully The Halo Forge Epidemic's video will clear some things up. "Armor Walkers" [HD] - Halo Reach Forge Maps (THFE) - (Ep.17) - YouTube This last section is for the complicated mechanics of the game. Armor Walk Glitch The armor walk glitch's tunnel is hard to understand o heres a cutaway. The chute is at the bottom and theres a death barrier right after the box's position. This means that right when you activate armor lock, you gain weight from using armor lock (that's how it immobilizes you in a real game, you just get super heavy so nothing pushes you) push the crate and the soft kill zone removes the armor lock and keeps you in armor lock. and the one way shield doors hold you from falling in the pit, and they move you forward. Returning Mongeese See that weird wall on the left wall? Those are mongeese in the wall, they will return you into the vehicle bay if you lose your vehicle. Just hop on and this teleporter waaay above you grabs you (it's a vehicle only teleporter, so it just sends you away when you hop on it. Because if a vehicle disappears from a player, that player is respawned without hesitation, and since the geese on the left are technically haloballs, they get teleported into a kill zone and the player respawns (no one understands what Im saying). Teleporters I didn't make a picture for any of the teleporters, but its self explanatory, a shield door that separates the attackers and the defenders. Introduction sign This sign Is made Fronk style Download Map Download Game I know I forgot stuff, but im rushed to post this, just let me know if i forgot anything (also, since this map was created before 2012 it can technically be voted for best of forge 2011)
Eh, wait, hold on for a second, this is actually you're first time posting this map? Well then it's about time because it's great!! I've seen the video on THFE ages ago but since then I only got to play a few games on this map. And those games were great! The way you managed to get this glitch to work in custom games is amazing, and the way the glitch is used is even more incredible. The game rolls very, very smoothly and the set-up for both attackers and defenders couldn't have been done cleaner. You didn't even forget about the tiniest thing, which is always important when making a minigame. The only thing I didn't really like about this map is the fact that it's not very compatible for a small group of people since the wraith turned out to be overpowered as heck if there only a few defenders to hold it back. But whatever, it's way more fun to play with a large group of people anyway so you shouldn't be concerned about that. I don't know about your reasons for quitting on Forge in Reach but thanks for making this map and giving the community a couple of more hours of joy and pleasure before you go.
Yay! Seriously Meta, everything on here is pure genius, from having the armor lock glitch in custom games, to sending the evades down so everyone can use them, to the scoring system (although I never understood why the wraith was worth so many points). What's more, on top of being genius, this map is really fun also, which is something that some glitch-based minigames are lacking. Good work Brosiedon.
Saw a something about this map ages ago and have been looking for it ever since. Glad it wasn't just me being stupid not being able to find it!
Wait... you just posted this? I thought this was around for ages lol. Either way, it was incredibly fun x10,000. The AL machines are incredibly ingenious...well the entire game itself is something that I don't think anyone would have thought of.
Better late than never. This is the single most fun I've had in any Reach custom game ever. It's also probably the best mini game created between either game. Now to sweep every BoF category possible!
Meta, this is one hell of a brilliant map, I hope you know. There has been nothing this brilliant in Reach to date. For one thing, the core concept of the game is solid. It's intuitive, and allows for enjoyment whether you're attacking or defending. People love to smash vehicles into the air, and people love to fly through the air in vehicles. It's just a great recipe for entertainment. Every nuance that you added to the game mechanics is not only entirely original, brilliant, and useful, but they also don't serve to over-complicate anything. The AL glitch's system was designed to be used by idiots, and even if somebody screws up and causes the system to fail, it doesn't disrupt the game at all. I remember an early version where you had 4 evades and 4 sprints being used; nobody really enjoyed sprint, so you found a way around it. Not only did you find a way around it, but you did so in a way that still creates great, smooth gameplay. People complained about losing their vehicles right around the vehicle bay and not being able to get back to a new vehicle quickly. You found an ingenious way around that problem. Amazing job, man. I'll get Archives finished up quickly, and I can't wait to see what you can do in Halo 4.
^ Meta, Meta, Meta. No one can compare to the quality of maps you put out. This and Halo 3's pinball are by far my favorite mini-games ever.
Congrats on the Feature/BoF Mini Game win/BoF Original Win. Edit: why did you make the AL pic fronk style? Seems unnecessary.
I remember when this used to be made out of just wall coliseums! Hope I helped the brainstorming proces... me just sitting in the lobby while you decide which way the one way shield should be facing. Blue side looks better. Also I hope my lobbies full of screaming kids helped... so many jammed warthogs. Well I'm glad this is getting a lot of attention. One of my favorite mini games, from one of my favorite forgers.
Just now releasing it? Anyways, this map is a helluva lotta fun to play, it must've taken hours to figure out that Armor Lock glitch. Anyways, you'll certainly be recieving my vote in the Best of Forge Contest!
A) I was in the party when he decided to do this, and it seemed to be because the Armor Lock image was very hard to make an accurate depiction of otherwise. B) Why the **** not? ;D
It's important to me to keep text very uniform and to build "grab and hold" I needed to use all of the capture plates, and instead of writing armor lock with weapons of different sizes, I decided to draw it to 1. better conform to the font style used in the map and 2. look hella ballin'
Loved this game type. I have actually had the honor to play this with you a couple of months ago. I'm so glad you finally posted it on the forms for everyone now.
Hey, I've had around 10 games on this map with under 8 people each time. I must say that it is a lot of fun. However, the Wraith is worth too many points. If it takes 2+ to bring it down, then there isn't really that much opposition for the rest of blue team. That kinda annoyed me. So, maybe lower the points just a bit. Like, maybe to 5 or something. Because it's relatively easy to drive it, especially compared to the warthog. Unless you had some really good reason for keeping it at 9, and if that's the case, I'd like to hear it. Also, a glitch happened a couple of times where I flew really far, and the vehicle disappeared, and I landed in the water still alive. I had to wait for the 10 second timer to kill me. Not ever sure what the heck happened, but I thought that I would mention it. Overall this is one heck of an amazing map.
If you played with under 8 people, that's why the wraith was hard to stop. And the flying vehicle glitch is when covenant vehicles drive on large objects, theres a chance they just shoot in a random direction.
And to add on to what meta said, think about how much time it takes to score a wraith when you're under constant pressure. I've seen wraiths stalled for nearly entire rounds. The time in which you're being slowed down in a wraith could be time to score with other vehicles.
I think he made it so that two chambers could reach one armor lock and then set the armor lock on instant respond. This map is one of my favorite maps and I recommend it to all my friends. Nice job on the map.