I've only heard of Luckside from those, and the small amount I've seen from him anything close to recently was...eh. Not top 8 by any stretch of the imagination, doubt top 16.
In what way did it suck? Cuz from what I know I landed 3 clean sniper headshots from a close distance and saved my teamate's hide (2v4. Sillygoose put 4v4). Though I spamed the pistol to end it
Mindfreak is a random. Solarith and Luckside are Ninja fanboys. You were playing against kids walking in a straight line. The snipes would be impressive if you were playing decent players, but not against those players. Your snipe looked average at best, and your pistol couldn't have been much sloppier.
Haven't bought any render minutes so my video's not on YouTube, but if anybody feels like downloading it from my fileshare and giving me some feedback I'd appreciate it. Here's a link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details The gametype is shotty snipers (in the Action Sack playlist, for those of you that don't do Action Sack very often). I bought a friend of mine Reach for Christmas and this was his first game with me (InertiaPro). Another one of our teammates sucked and the fourth one dropped, so it was mostly just me against 4 other people that were getting an easy kill here and there from InertiaPro and my other teammate. Game ended with me getting 33 points and a victory. Any praise would be great. Tips for improvement would be even better, since I kinda hate using the sniper rifle. I feel like I'm not very good with it. If you're just gonna tell me I suck or I'm new here, well, how original... [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, if someone knows of a way that I could upload my videos to YouTube without buying render minutes, I'd love to know. I think it'd be pretty cool, but it's sure as hell not worth paying for.
RoboArtist, what have you got with Snipers? Can't you live without them? Also, in the first clip, you got plenty of kills, I give you that, but what about SKILL needed to get them? Don't see it anywhere. All I see is a LOT of luck, mostly situational.
They're fun to use and powerful to boot. Getting some nice headshots is always enjoyable. Everyone will get that lucky no/quick scope every once in a while. Doing it consistently shows how skilled you are at it. Can't really find that out by looking at a few clips. @Robot, why did you aim for the belly in the first clip when you guy came out of the shotgun tunnel? That would've screwed you over if he hadn't lost his shields or if he jumped.
Thing is, I can only play on weekends. Yes I do indeed have some luck, but this is occasional. Somedays I'm good, somedays im lucky, somedays are pathetic. IDK... Anyways, when it comes down to skill, I think my friend Ryan has it. Note this is an old clip. Due to being away from halo so long, he probably sucks now. Halo Reach:: Aka White Ice Gameplay (short) - YouTube Those noscopes are to die for lol
well he was pretty used to COD at the time so his playstyle was "different". I felt a little confident in my sniper. Plus its incase if he had jumped or crouched, it would've hit hit either way. And they played very predictable.
It's me playing with and against some guys from another forum. We usually play mini games in customs with an occasional 4v4.
...needs moar jetpack [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey, speaking of jetpack... and power weapons... and noobs who hate jetpacks and power weapons: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details