Due to budget cuts, this track has not been repaired in years... But dosen't that only make it more fun to race? Its a remake of one of my more famous maps. I was re making it for hopes of getting it into matchmaking. Thanks -oldmps Halo Reach Racetrack 34: Spliced Re-vamped - YouTube
Cool map bro, looking forward to playing it in tonight's custom games section! I'll tell ya how it works
There have been rumours of 343 Industries putting it into Matchmaking at some point in the (hopefully near) future. And I think oldmps is referring to the Design Challenge called "Racing Towards Matchmaking" by GodlyPerfection. More information can be found here.
Wait, this link has absolutely noting to do with 343?? This is just some no name site holding a race building contest, that has no hope of getting in matchmaking. Believe me, I would love to see race or Battle Tracks in MM. It's too bad that Bungie and 343 are to greedy and dumb to realize what the community really wants to play. On topic: The map looks ok. These kind of maps are a dime a dozen. The only way to stand out is with awesome and amazing aesthetics. Unfortunately, your map has no aesthetics. Most people won't DL now a days with no aesthetics. Back to the drawing board man.. Sorry, and good luck with getting your map into MM ;O
Well go check out coaster in a bottle or gridlocked.BTW this map was made by me back in march when race tracks didnt need aesthetics. I have improved much more but ty for correction anyways.