It is. Generator Defense used Firefight net code (or something like that) in the beta so its not invasion.
That was a test run for Firefight coding. They disguised it as a new gametype because they hadn't announced firefight yet. Therefore, it truly is only a Firefight mode. It was never Invasion, not even in the beta. It was just spartan vs elite generator defense.
They just modded firefight to remove enemies and add two extra players. Now back OT. Instead of using VIP to make race we'll be using race to make VIP. Wtf bungie?
VIP is essentially Team Juggernaut. It's possible that you can enable teams in Juggernaut to create a VIP gametype.
This picture is not from the full game. This was either the reviewer's copy, the reviewer's build, or the retail build. I'm not sure if there will be a VIP game type, but you can COMBINE game types. Rocket Race and Battle Tracks will be able to be made. My source is Chad Armstrong (Shishka)
Iidont think they can add new game types to Reach that the code has not already been written. I still dont understand why they took it out for Reach. Between Battle Tracks and Asset i had the most fun on Halo 3 ever. I really miss vip. We need to somehow let 343 know that we want vip back. Does anyone else feel the same way?
For vip, use haloball and make an AA the ball, and ect. Can't really do much with it if you do the kills thing, or if you want to make a minigame.
I miss this as a game mode, wish they would just bring it back already. Better be in the halo of all Halo's, 2012