I am glad that people are having fun in my map, thanks heaps for all the positive comments guys, all constructive thoughts are always appreciated. Now i have found this excelent forum i will be posting more of my maps soon
looks good. nd no D3mon Warlord, he didnt copy mine. I dont know, maybe he did nd rebuilt it, but im sure he didnt. I know I wasnt the first either, Overall its pretty good. Differences: All my legs are enterable, one of his is. He has I think a slightly more actual AT-AT. Not everywhere, but the arched body is. I had a flat top, a real AT-AT is slightly curved like his. I only didn't cause of lack of money, lack of ramps and no room. Mine is more open inside, his is more, again aesthetic. It goes on. I'm not bragging or telling him his is bad, just saying he didn't copy me. I like it though, there are some cool original things in it and its really good. They both are and I think theyre not incredibly comparible. Great job :]
I agree sometimes it is about bragging rights, but for me it is a lot more than that. I like building asthetic maps that play as good as they look, putting in loads of hours testing and adjusting them to find that fine balance between asthetics and gameplay. Its about building something that looks awesome and plays good enough that people are going to want to spend time fighting there over and over again. Thats why i do it anyway
The part that the AT-AT doesn't move at all he has right. AT-AT's are slow! I personally think it looks good, and that more that half of starwars fans that play Halo 3 will download it, if it is given enough attention.
I thought this would be another cheep imitation of the star wars series, but you showed me. Wonderful job in portraying the battle of Hoth. A definite download.
The Rebels base is just the normal base with a few minor changes as the main battle is about fighting all over the AT-AT. The lower entrances are shielded and I put shields over the main way in so anyone man cannoning into the base in a vehicle gets spat back out , oh and behind the big man cannon is a bunch of mongooses the Rebels can ride out to get to the legs of the AT-AT without being shot to bits. I think the best way to find out would be to listen to all these great comments (cheers guys) and download it.