A baisc enclosed map. Not so big for big matches, but fun for those small party groups. It has two sniper, two rockects, and a sword in the middle. Their are two teleporters near the bases that can take you near the middle for an early close up fight for the sword. It realy takes less than 15 seconds to travel across the whole map with sprint.
Not to hit this map hard with the first comment but the floor and the walls are the same I would maybe make an outline of aesthetics or decorate the wall more. It will make players want to play the map more, and people will remember your maps more. (*Cough* Good Tip)
Some things better in this map then others... good tip- don't put two blocks together in a way that they glitch such as in pic 2 But like MCGreen said it looks a little plain so add some more detail to the walls I like to add walkway covers against the wall. And have some height variation with your bottom level/main level it will map your maps better to play on.
So you can travel the map in 15a seconds... and there's 5 power weapons? That can't possibly bode well for anybody.