Bases 2.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vogeln Heart, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    It took me awhile to get back to this map, but here is link of the first one from almost a year ago.

    Additional gametypes:
    Chess (I know not that big of a deal)
    Speed Flag

    2 Mounted Gun Turrets
    2 DMRs
    2 Needle Rifles
    2 Shotguns
    2 Needlers
    2 Sniper Rifles
    2 Concusion Rifles
    2 Pistols
    2 Plasma Pistols
    4 Plasma Grenades
    2 Grendaes
    2 Rocket Launcher
    1 Sword

    2 Ghosts
    2 Revenants
    2 Default Warthogs
    4 Mongooses
    2 Falcons
    1 Wraith
    1 Rocket Hog

    Didn't change around that much with the wepons and vehicles. Took out the spartan laser and put in a second rocket launcher. Took out the banshee and one of the tanks.

    Red and Blue bases are in the same location.
    The front of red base has more protectoin up the front ramp and also blocks vehicles from being able to drive up the cover. The wall behind red base has been moved closer so the space between it and the base is similar to the space between blue base and the water.

    Blue base

    Both bases
    -Have had the wraith, revnant, and ghost removed from them.
    -The teleporter on top is covered on all sides except one.
    -Instead of grav lifts that shoot you up to a ramp on the back there's just a longer ramp that goes all the way to the ground.
    -On the side in the middle of the second floor the wall has been removed.

    The weapon placement hasn't changed.
    -3 floors.
    -The top includes a one way teleporter to a second base, a DMR, a Needle Rifle, a Needler, a Sniper Rifle, a human Mounted Turret, 2 plasma grenades and one grenade.
    -The second floor has a health pack, a human pistol and a 2 way teleporter to the basement
    -The basement holds 2 mongooses, a default warthog, a falcon, a health pack, and a 2 way teleporter to the second floor.

    Red's second base.
    The structure that held the banshee above is removed and the rocket launcher that was out in front of the base has been moved. And the shotgun has been moved to this structure on the bottum floor.The ramp on the right side going up was moved to the opposite side and a bridge was put in on the left side to the cliff where the cave is.

    Other than that the rest is the same.
    3 floors. You can one way teleport from the main base to the outside of the second ones. On the top is a concusion rifle, on the bottum is a health pack, and the view of the whole map from this base is limited due to the clifside next to it.

    Blue's second base.
    The shotgun was also moved to the first floor of this base. A ramp was moved to the right side to get to the second floor and it also continues to the third. a bridge was put in on the left side to the cliff. This base and red's secondary are where the ghosts and revnants where moved to.

    The rest is the same on this one as well.
    3 floors like the other base and you can also teleport to the outside of this one form the Blue's main base but it has its differences. Since this base can see more of the map, the hiding spots (that are most likely to be used as sniper camping spots) have been turned into rooms that you can still shoot out of but limits your view. This also has a concusion rifle on the top and a health pack on the bottum.

    Middle of everything neutral base.
    There is more rock and structure cover on this base. The ceiling above the warthog has an opening you can jump down into. There's a bridge from the ramp to the room where the rocket hog is so you don't have to jump the gap anymore. And there is a soft kill zone on top of the rock so a sniper can't hide in certain sopts but it does not cover the whole top or the sword.

    Rest is the same.
    This base is where you will find the neutral flag and bomb. A tunnel system makes up the bottum of it. One sword is located on the top that is easy to walk up to (as long as you know where and are not getting shot at alot). This base is made of rock and a human structure which holds a rocket hog and has a bunker underneath.

    Included in the middle of the neutral base is a health pack and a 2 way teleporter. . .
    . . .that leads to a wraith. And when you get in it. . .

    . . .it pops out of the ground.

    There is a soft kill zone in this room to prevent camping. you have plenty of time to get to the tank and exit before it runs out. If you go down there and the tank has not spawned yet you can exit the way you came in or touch the one way shield and it will shoot you out like the tank.

    Mini Stonehenge is located at an angle away from the red base to provide minimal cover on the field and one of the rocket launchers are here instead of the shotgun.

    A little crashed ship is located on the opposite side of the map as stonhedge for the same purpose. Except the rocket launcher over here is located on the rock on the right in the background.


    There is a plasma pistol on the cliff on the red side of the map and one in the cave on the blue side of the map. Kill zones surround the canyon. There are soft kill zones to warn you and if you get to much further you will hit a regular kill zone.
    #1 Vogeln Heart, Jan 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
  2. thefightdude

    thefightdude Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Not quite sure what to say. By judging by the pics this is what i think...

    -I personally wouldn't make a teleporter that the wraith has to go through to get on the battlefield.
    -Make your two main bases appealing on the outside as well as the inside...the struts look unappealing to the outside so what i would do is flip them to show the color facing the battlefield not its own base
    -I would not use one-way shields to push vehicles out of their original spawn (falcon)
    -don't use as much pre-made objects to create your map (building blocks and bridges and platforms are better for creativity and originality)

    thats all I have to say...this map is probably better for just a fun game of BTB not a competitive game of BTB
    #2 thefightdude, Jan 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
  3. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    It's a good idea to build a two based map facing each other and built other places on the side and stuff like that. But try to avoid pre-made buildings like those Bunker rounds that you put on the bases behind. And that triple room building and the three-leveled building that you put together near the cilff and added extra walls and bridges, it's a okay if you new into this experence I don't if you are or not. But try not to use those pre-made buildings. It's a waste of your budget on the map. But I'll download the map and play it with my friends and other people that I randomly invite. I Hope there's another verison of the map I'm not saying it's a bad, terrible map. I'm just saying change a few things on the map to make it more interesting.Well Done though.
  4. Vogeln Heart

    Vogeln Heart Forerunner

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    The falcon doesn't get pushed out of it's spawn. the one way shield is there so you don't fall down from the upper floors. The falcon can fly out the bck if you wanted to. I used the premade buildings because yes I do not like to use them alot but I will use them as a last resort. Which I did because I had no more building blocks, only 2 bridges and platforms left, 0 doors windows and walls, used more than half of the iclines, and 0 on natural The only thinkg i have alot left on is decorative and I would rather use a building thatuses up alot of money than alot of those to make one. They really hurt the frame rate when you have alot in one place.

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