A map I've been working on for 2 days. I decided to try and forge on the terrain of forgeworld and see what comes of it. Feedback is always appreciated. DL Link My weak attempt at making an AA gun
The AA gun would look better if replaced by some other, nicer looking structure. Having an AA gun is pointless if it's not going to look like one. The bridge you have there looks nice except using small pieces like that will cause it to look messy because of the different lighting. A simple 2x4 will look better. The 8-stars look quite nice, but I suggest building something more around them as a base since in their current state they don't offer much cover. The rocks going up into some corners of the boundary wall don't look very good. If you're not set on the isolation feel, you could open up the ocean side of the map, otherwise you should build something else against the walls and use the rocks in the play area. There can be odd soft kill zones built into the water around the area of the ghost. It would be a good idea to walk around there just to check and place some structures underwater or a grid to raise the floor in that area. Those may not seem like a problem but if an objective object is dropped into one it will automatically reset which is never good. The metal squares you put in the ground look nice, with the exception of the one with grass on top, but you need to make sure the bump from walking over them is not enough to slow players down or throw off their aim.
Yeah, I'll probably just remove the "whatever-the-hell-that-is gun" and make some kind of structure. I don't think a 2x4 will make the length of that gap, but I'll see what I can do. I did check for those kill barriers and place 5x5s there to raise the floor already. The metal squares are tough to get right because of the terrain so I might remove those altogether. Thanks for your feedback! haha, yes. It completely slipped my mind last time
If you want to make the AA gun look better I recommend looking at the Halo Forge Epidemic's video called "Gun Show" on Youtube. I found it very helpful and they look like real guns.
Whooah, I had completely forgotten about this map. A friend and I already completed it and decided to remove the gun altogether a long time ago. Thank you for the video though, I am in the process of making a map that will have an AA gun included and that'll be helpful!
No it won't. But 2 2x3's will. And you may avoid the lighting issue with that. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I also like the Isolation feel you have going on here. But how many players are you intending for it? It seems a bit small and open for a 4v4.
Everything looks so random, there's stepping stones with a small bridge, which I do like, then we got a AA gun. Why is the map name Paradise, maybe you could make this like a vacation spot of some sort, I don't know just everything looks so out of place, kind of reminds me of Zeeb's Illuminated
The bridge looks really nice, however, the little squares in the ground leading up to it seem like a waste of resources and do nothing but make the ground obnoxiously bumpy for anyone that tries to walk across it (bumpy terrain is one of a map's worst nightmare). I would definitely take those out. I would also suggest that you try to make another layer to the boundary Colosseum Walls to make them 2x higher; it is nicer when you don't need to resort to using kill barriers on people and, instead, use physical ones + it looks nicer when the walls are taller IMO. Finally, I don't think I would feel completely safe spawning on a good amount of your map. I would suggest that you make some minor base structures. Even on a map like Isolation, the bases (minus the underground bunker region) sufficed; they were just a few unconnected walls and pillars, but they provided a great sense of security in both team and FFA games.
This map was finished a while ago guys haha. Thank you, though, for your suggestions and feedback. It twas meant to be a 4v4, yes. The newer version is larger and supports 4v4 well. Gracias sir. Haha, have you ever played the very end of Oblivion where you go through the final portal and such? I think the place you go to was called "paradise" and I was originally designing the map around it's look. About half way through I started throwing in covenant themed things for some reason, lol. Thanks, this version was very structureless, I will admit. In the newer one there are red/blue bases.
I have never played Oblivion, otherwise I would give Skyrim a play. Anyways, is this like you go through a portal and everything is wrecked and random things are everywhere? I've been wanting to make this in Hemmorage, like A portal on each side of the field, you come out in the beginning then its normal spawns, with wrecked ships. ANYWAYS, I don't dig the random covi stuff, but make it more on the game I guess. Also, there's a lot of space to be filled. This is creative though
Here's a glimpse of what it looks like. It really doesn't resemble the original at all when I think about it, aha. If i'm understanding your idea correctly, it would be cool for some sort of infection map. but yeah, thanks. The newer version has a lot more structure for cover and height variation and such. I guess I could post it or update the pictures...