Moonlight I have been working on some different versions of this map and I finally got one I approve of. Introducing Moonlight! All inspiration came from Jia by Rho Fs, and Mirage by Eightball. It started off as an idea. I wanted to use the purple room inside the mountain of Paradiso into an asymetrical map that wasen't confusing like alot of asymetrical maps are. I wanted the visual appeal to be amazing, yet retain good gameplay. Also, I wanted it to be fun to play on for any type of player. After weeks of serious forging I came out with Moonlight and immediately started testing. It is a smaller map which makes it perfect for 1v1's and 2v2's, but it still plays well for 4v4's. I think it is my personal best design so far and it really plays like a charm, so I hope you guys like it! Weapons: 4-DMR's 4-Needle Rifles 2-Pistols 2-Healthpacks 1-Plasma pistol 4- Plasma gernades 1- Sniper (118 secs/MLG Weapon Drop) 1-Gernade Launcher (118 secs/MLG Weapn Drop) 1-Custom Powerup (118/Doesn't spawn at start) Now it's time for some Eye Candy: Bottom Gold: Holds sniper on ledge and a 2 way node to take you to custom powerup. Custom Powerup: Holds the powerful MLG Custom with a 2 way node in back to take you to sniper. Blue Base: Starting blue spawn, has a pistol and DMR's and stuff. Moonlight has two side spawning which makes it fair for power weapon control. Top Red: Great sniper area, but watch out for gernades from below. Red Spawn (In back): Red and Blue team are forced to have an intense battle between sniper and gernade launcher off the beginning. Custom doesen't spawn at start to make it fair for both sides.
Building on the island has to be the most frustrating place to build and u did a great job at that. Looks very clean and all. But I think U should hide that teleporter behind that shield door. Because no mattar what people will still think it probably leads to somewhere
I can not get over the awesomeness of the brace large bridge over the large tunnel pieces ( First picture ) it looks sooo nice! Great job!
Ya I was trying to hide the teleporter but keeping the the radius of the telepoter, but i was having some troubles. Thanks for the comment
From what i see from the pictures the maps look really nice. I will give it a DL and let you know how i like it in game.