I switched to hold to crouch but been using Toggle since I was a small child. I don't know if I'm betraying you Togglers, or if I want to go back.
I'm not pro cause I suck, my crouch behaviour choice is up there with the best of them . Tbh I was pretty shocked when I found out that players like Clutch and even Walshy play inverted. EDIT: You still owe me a 1v1.
I don't think there's any difference between inverted and regular except what you're used to. Logically it doesn't seem like it should impact gameplay. Personally though, I'm so ingrained to using regular that inverted literally makes me feel sick. When I've had it enabled, I constantly look the wrong way and these waves of nausea roll over me. Regular all the way, if only so I don't lose my lunch all over the controller.
Back in the day when I was a wee lad, I played all my games inverted. For example: 007 Goldeneye for N64. And somewhere, somehow I developed an inability to play inverted.
Honestly there was no solid logic to it, just seemed very odd to me. No one I knew who was any good at shooters played inverted, the couple of people I knew who used it had come from flight games etc. and so had a rather direct approach to that argument of being used to it that way. Though in retrospect this was just coincidence. Though there are definitely fewer inverted players, thus a proportionately smaller percentage of good players use it, the more people I got to know as I got in to competitive play, the more I noticed that a good few of them played inverted.
I only know one guy personally (as in not through here or XBL) that plays inverted. He's not a flight sim guy either... no idea why he plays that way. I think some people just start with it and get used to it, or maybe they have a few missing brain cells that make it feel natural to them.
I've never played flight games or anything but I still use inverted. When and why I started using it is a mystery to me but at one point I started using it and never went back (why would I?). There's definitely some logic behind it. The picture I posted shows why it can be justified. It doesn't explain the X-axis but it doesn't necessarily has to as the two axis' are completely separate. In the end I don't give a **** what someone uses. Spoiler Inverted is better!
They aren't separate at all. I don't know of any games that restrict your movement to one axis. Oh wait, yes I do. Spoiler Flight sims.
By separate I mean that using the default y-axis makes you a douchebag while using the default x-axis doesn't.