Redemption 2.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Hydrolysis, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Redemption [2.1]

    Redemption [2.1]-

    Redemption is my first attempt at a BTB map. After tirelessly working to perfect some of my previously posted maps (Eternal, Extraction...etc) I found myself rather burned out; however, rather than put down forging all together I decided to work on a more "casual" map that wouldn't require as much devotion. And I've gotta say, I found working on a BTB map to be far less stressful than a smaller more compact 4v4 type map. Soon after I began working I found that the "open space" provided room for endless creativity (only restricted by budget and FR lag).

    After sifting through peoples' feedback for the map, I spent some time going through and making the appropriate changes. Thanks to everyone who commented and gave suggestions for improvement. I've added significant cover (however, not so much as to hinder vehicle mobility), but because of the rolling hills it's difficult to see the images exactly how much cover is provided. Please give it a DL and see for yourself before commenting! Thanks


    6x DMR [45 sec | 2 clips]
    4x Needle Rifle [45 sec| 2 clips]
    2x Sniper Rifle [120 sec | 1 clip]
    1x Spartan Laser [180 sec | NA]
    1x Rocket Launcher [180 sec | 1 clip]
    2x Grenade Launcher [120 sec | 2 clips]
    4x Plasma Pistol [45 sec | NA]
    2x Plasma Repeater [45 sec | NA]
    2x Needler [45 sec | 2 clips]
    4x Frag Grenades [45 sec | NA]
    4x Plasma Grenades [45 sec | NA]
    4x Health Packs [45 sec]


    4x Mongooses [45 sec]
    2x Warthogs [90 sec]
    2x Ghosts [90 sec]
    2x Banshees [180 sec]

    Below are pictures of Redemption, some pictures are from the originial thread and others are from Redemption 2.0. You can see which version the picture displays directly below the picture.

    [Version 1] View of Blue Base (Red Base is identical)

    [Version 2.0]

    I added some roofing for each of the bases which provides minimal cover against arial assault.

    [Version 1] View from behind of Red Base (Blue base is identical)

    In version 2, the banshee is set so as to not spawn at the start of a match but rather after 180 sec.

    [Version 2]

    [Version 2.0]

    Taking some of the suggestions given me, I added in a one-way teleporter which leads players to sniper spawn at each shoulder-base. [As can be seen in the next image]

    [Version 2.0]

    [Version 1] View of Mid-Base from (Red) Cave

    A few changes were made to the Mid-Base, but were all minor changes...the obvious change is bottom Mid-base where 2 more doors were added to the rocket spawn room, giving players more tactical options.

    [Version 2.0]

    I added cover throughout the map and added the lookout post which give players more insentive to traverse the map.

    [Version 1] Rockets Spawn Bottom of Mid-Base

    [Version 2]

    [Version 1] Spartan Laser Spawns Top Mid-Base giving infantry an edge against vehicles

    [Version 1] View of Red Base from Red from Red Shoulder base

    In version 2, the Sniper Rifle now spawns at shoulder base and the DMR spawns at each teams' lookout post.

    [Version 2]

    This being my first BTB map, I expect there to be a number of issues that I may need to please let me know any issues you may have with the map as well as any specific likes/dislikes.

    #1 Hydrolysis, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2012
  2. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I can tell just by looking at these screens that your map falls prey to what I like to call "BTB syndrome." Wherein, Your bases and center piece are very well designed(perhaps even overly so), but are separated by vast stretches of open land. IMO, this makes infantry combat devolve into cross map DMR duels, but more often leads to game long standoffs. As neither team wants to advance through the open sections. Also, if you MUST have a banshee on this map, I would suggest placing a single one in a neutral position.

    OK, negatives aside, I really like the idea behind this map. Reminds me a lot of Valhalla, or even Containment(which is probably my all time favorite BTB map). Your weapon placements seem ok, but having not played it I can't say anything about the spawns. I will say that you should always keep in mind that a BTB map does NOT have to take up the entire Gultch to allow for infantry and vehicles to coexist. Think "Standoff". Work towards maybe scaling it down a bit, sprinkle in some cover, and I can see this becoming a worthwhile BTB experience.
    #2 FriedFoodStuffz, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

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    The map looks great, but just because it's in the Hemorrhage canyon means that a lot of open space is going to be obvious. It's going to slow down gameplay because of people unwilling to cross the whole map. Some good canyon-based BTB maps have two heavy man cannons (1 per base) to bridge the gap, but if you don't have those, I suppose your Warthog, Ghost, and 2 Mongooses will just have to do. But, the Banshee will definitely make gameplay interesting. I hope you have a long spawn time on it, however, or people might camp a their base waiting for it (I used to do it sometimes on Blood Gulch back in CE). But, it's a nice start. Perhaps this should have been placed in 'Halo: Reach Casual Maps', because you said yourself above that it is a more 'casual' map than your other ones.

    Anyway, good luck on improving this map. Looks great so far; you just need to take some more things into account.
  4. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Alright, first of all, good job, while they aren't as stressful as smaller maps, like you said, BTB maps can be quite difficult to come up with due to their sheer magnitude when compared to smaller maps. Going from the pictures alone I can tell it will be interesting to say the least and probably quite good fun to play on, given some changes, fixes etc. and like the other two said already, it's just the large space, but I won't go into massive detail about that, my only advice for now is fill some of that empty space, maybe do something with the sides of the canyon, and while you seem to have more experience with forging than I, if it were me, I'd find some way to incorporate the banshee into a neutral position, and put it on 180 rs. If looking from blue base to the centre (the top pic, right?) then on the left side of the canyon there, where the teleporter in hemorrhage usually is, maybe put a neutral base there which houses the banshee, I think that would be an idea, other than that, I think your on the right track and it'll turn out quite nicely in the end I believe.

    Adios, sincerely, LH.
  5. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    wow, this map looks great, but it looks like you coppied the design from a btb map that's already on matchmaking. I forget what it's called.
  6. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback. I know exactly what you mean in terms of the large open spaces that usually leave players stranded only to be destroyed by vehicles. And as you pointed out this map was inspired by BTB maps like Vallhala and Coagulation which seemed to always flow smoothly despite the lack of cover across the map. To avoid players becoming stranded I've used a lot of Natural cover to assist players as a they traverse the amp; however, I'll definitely work on adding more.

    I originally had planned the vehicles to be the central means of transportation across the map; however, I definitely can add in a Man-Cannon and/or Teleporters (Although, it will definitely make the map feel even more like Valhalla and Coag.)

    It terms of the map being 'casual', I merely ment that I went about creating the map more casually than I do when creating an enclosed MLG type map...the map itself is not 'casual'...unless you consider BTB to a casual gametype (which it may very well be)

    It's a good idea, but if the Banshee were to be on one side or the other it would distort gameplay balance. But, I could possible have the Banshee spawn at the "Shoulder bases"...

    Haha, well believe it or not, I rarely play matchmaking any more. I'm usually forging or playing custom games...or Battlefield 3 XD. So I wouldn't know, but if you can give me the name or a link to the other map I'd gladly check it out. No need to repeat something that's already been done...
    #6 Hydrolysis, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
  7. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey long time no see Forge Hub! I've been away playing MW3 and I'll say there have been some pretty good maps popping up across here lately. This map has the same name as many maps before it and I would like to say I like it better than any other map I have seen under the name Redemption because I am getting sick of all the MLG themed maps that keep appearing even if one is to add a popular tree in the middle its still boring. This map is defineitly one that I am interested in so I will attempt to download later but about transportation on this map specifically on objective the vehicles aren't going to play as well as some BTB due to calvary-leveled vehicles and somewhat close-quaters terrain with the structures makes vehicles unreliable and hard to use I do think that maybe making a little more space with more rocks and areas to explore like a cliff-side sniper balcony. Good map and continue the work good job!

    I'm just think maybe a little less structures in the middle are crowded up and need some fixing along with some man-cannons for alternative transport.
    #7 PhantomStrike, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
  8. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Hmm, yes, indeed, well in that case you could add some incentive to the other side, though it seems like you've already got most of the big incentives around your map, in which case you could either put the lone banshee on top of center, though this might overpower that position, in the end, it seems I wasn't very useful, but in any case, I think your idea of the two banshees at the shoulder bases is a good idea, although I don't know what weapons are there as far as I can tell it doesn't seem as if there is a huge incentive at said bases, maybe a sniper? I don't know, but that would increase flow to those places which would in turn keep the center from becoming overcrowded. (I think, I believe this is true, though I have been forging for quite a number of years I am still not very skilled.)
  9. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Thanks for the suggestions, it seems a lot of people were concerned with player mobility so I've added both a man-canon and a teleporter. Concerning the Mid-Base, it's easily maneuverable via vehicles...the two arches provide plenty of room for warthogs and ghosts to travel underneath and around.

    Good idea, you'll see I implemented your idea in Version 2. I placed each teams sniper at the shoulder bases which definitely adds incentive for players to take advantage of them. In addition I added (1-way) teleporters which gives players quick access.
  10. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To be honest I didn't like the look of the map at first glance, but as everyone knows first impressions are usually wrong. After I took a minute to let it sink in, I began to really enjoy the design of it. It appears to flow like valahalla almost, but that's for the test to decide. Nice post, you have my download!
  11. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think it's nicely forged, however I don't see any walled off section over near the cave are of Hemmorage which means players don't have a clear indication of where the map ends (and this can be easily done with the amount of budget and walls/windows you have. You can even make it look nice by placing window coliseums at the top). I wonder if you had even placed a kill barrier (hopefully a soft kill at first)? (I was too lazy to look for a tiny skull in a BTB map. LOL.) Though I certainly hope there are kill barriers surrounding the whole map because of the banshees, no need for any wandering Spartans. I'm just going to trust that you took care of that. When I saw this map, I too thought it looked a tad like Renegade, but then any map with a middle structure + two bases built in those areas are most likely going to feel like Renegade.
    It's quite cleanly forged which is a novelty in a BTB map, though I have to agree with everyone else, the large stretches of ground are what keep me from venturing any further than the middle structure; and only with a sniper would I even go that far. I'm not sure where all of your budget went, though I'm sure you probably spent it on some mad decorative aesthetics or vehicles... something of the like.
    I think that you should move the bases closer inward or something of that nature. This way the game might not feel so long and drawn out if it indeed plays like Renegade. (I'm sorry I can't give any real commentary on the GP seeing how I can hardly get 8 people in a lobby to test maps let alone 16).

    So overall, I think the map is forged very well but it definitely could use more cover (that doesn't consist of rocks...?) or simply just could use getting moved closer together. Good job.
  12. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    First off thanks for the advice. I've spent a lot of time attempting to break up the large open spaces with rock structures, but if more is required I'll definitely spend the time to improve it. In addition, I'll take your suggestion and build some sort of wall to show players [visually] where the map ends. As far as kill boundaries are concerned, I have placed soft kill boundarys above the structures to keep players from camping (and like you said, giving the banshee even more of an edge). I believe that all of the areas that players shouldn't wander off to are covered by soft-kill barriers. But it hadn't occured to me about the Banshee flying away from the map entirely, I'll have to create a kill zone to keep players from flying off!

    Moving the bases closer together is actually an idea I had not thought of! I'll definitely look into it!

    I just uploaded a newer version of the map which has dozens of more kill-zones to keep players from "exploring"...and I walled off the cave section of hemorage like you suggested! I'll get new pics up sometime today!
    #12 Hydrolysis, Jan 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2012

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