I am currently working on developing drop pods that can drop vehicles and i am on the finishing touches of vehicle drop pod 3.0 if you want to see the there 2 here are the links: 1.0:Halo Reach:Vehicle Drop Pod - YouTube 2.0:Halo Reach:Vehicle Drop Pod 2.0 - YouTube And if you have a youtube account and you want to know when 3.0 comes out you can subscribe if you want.
Please use a capture card or ask someone on forgehub who has one to capture the videos for you. The random blinking on the screen gets really annoying. The easiest way to land vehicles like this would be with a shield door orange side down to slow them as they land, or to just make a slope for them to land on. Making complicated stuff to drop a warthog is sort of pointless.
I agree with pyro, I spent a good month trying to work out a viable solution, and the only feasible option was two barricade smalls in a V shape with an assault rifle fixed at the bottom, and it only supports mongeese.