
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by The Muppet King, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    "An isolated incident"
    2-4 players

    1x Sniper Rifle (120 sec)
    1x Grenade Launcher (120 sec)
    3x DMRs
    2x Needle Rifles
    4x Plasma Grenades
    2x Frag Grenades
    3x Health Packs
    *Sniper and Grenade Launcher are drop spawn.

    After many failed attempts at a regular 4v4 map, I decided to try 1v1 instead. Maps like Sequence and Jia inspired me to start on what would be my crowning jewel and a step forward for me. I began with a sketch-up(on paper, not the program) that focused on LoS over everything else. I got a map with two atriums connected by three paths, a risky tunnel housing the Grenade Launcher, an open hall with the sniper, and a sneaky walkway leading to blue spawn. After "intensive" testing, I started to add things like a jump pad and teleporters. For those from the MLG forum, you might remember it as V.U.L.C.A.N., I've always wanted to use Mercury but I didn't want to compete with UnOv3RaT3d's map of the same name. I've had many (maybe too many) games on this map ranging from slayer to stockpile. I would like to thank everybody who have been with me since it's very conception but there's too many to count; you know who you are. One last thing, this was supposed to be my submission into the 5K contest before it was abandoned.

    Mercury is a dual atrium map with three pathways connecting both. The paths have lines of sights that are designed to counter one side or the other. For example, the walkway that leads to blue spawn has a clear LoS towards the green teleporter. The green teleporter can also see the orange teleporter. Lines of sight constantly interlock to make sure there is plenty of movement around the map. If you look closely to the layout, these lines of sight makes a triangle. Of course, paths in the middle make navigating the map easy. While teleporters and lifts makes sure there are no overpowered spots. I have my concerns about the sniper but it hasn't disappointed in the "fun" department.













    Action Shots:





    I would like to thank:

    Th3 Equin0x for the teleporter placement and all the great 1v1s.
    Rorak Kuroda for helping with spawns.
    Confused Flamingo for the one-way teleporter idea (it used to be two-way).
    And everyone else who help with the map.
  2. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    Wow, talk about a blast from the past. I remember playing infection on here eons ago. The layout was sweet, and it looked really bad ass. Definatley a map that stands out. Good work.
  3. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Wow, this looks amazing, as you say, the LoS are great, I can't speak for the spawning or flow yet but it looks solid, and I'd Kuroda helped you with it then that's 'nuf said for me, as for the weapons it's nice that you haven't got lots of them, it makes each one a bit more important that way, and the aesthetics, BY GODLYPERFECTION THE AESTHETICS!! I gotta say I'm deeply impressed, that map looks amazing, I know it isn't a new idea, but the tunnel leading up to the jump pad, the walls made of ramps, idk, it just fits perfectly, it all just fits together so well, idk, but kudos to you man, kudos to you.
  4. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    this map looks nice and i wonder how 3v3 might play on it, by the way this being realeased would have nothing to do with the release of eighball's catha would it? ill download and give you some feedback about the map
  5. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow Finally it came out ! It reminds me alot a Unreal Championship 2 map . I like the aesthetic of it : simple and clean .

    Kinda be my favorite map .
  6. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is seriously gorgeous. It's cleanly forged and aesthetically pleasing, and the fact that the only thing I could really rag you on is the fact that you have $1,000 remaining budget and your spawn points aren't coordinate snapped is pretty incredible considering I usually find more substantial things to complain about. I love the way that you really took the ability, since it's a 2v2, to really go all out with the aesthetics. Behind the glass windows, I felt like I was looking through the glass in Boardwalk. And though there isn't really much going on behind the windows with the rocks (I feel like you could maybe make it seem like that lead to somewhere if you've got anymore doors to spend on pure aesthetics if you really felt like it), I still feel like it's a lovely aesthetic. Even the interesting angles the braces near the windows are set at create a more interesting feel than if they were to just be 90 degree snapped. The tunnels made of ramps are extremely interesting and definitely more creative and aesthetically pleasing than regular in-game tunnels.
    Kudos for your excellent forging and ideas (damn those health packs are secksy), and I find it unfortunate that I never really have the resources to test such maps. Another thing that I may be able to complain about slightly is the water. Though it's extremely aesthetically pleasing, open water/death pits are always a bit game-hindering since I generally find myself falling into them eventually, whether it be the first game or any game afterwards. Also, perhaps the teleporter sender rocks could be more interestingly forged? It appears as though you just put an arch there, which works, yes, but I love seeing forgers 'sculpt' in a way when they use rocks. This idea is only if you like it though, because it certainly doesn't look bad the way you have it, this is only my personal preference.

    Again, excellent job.
    #6 Mynx, Jan 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  7. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Give me a V! - V!
    Give me a U! - U!
    Give me an L! - L!
    Give me a C! - C
    Give me an A! - A!
    Give me an N! - N!

    Why would you rename it, bro? It was perfect the way it was. You were way before that other Vulcan map anyway.

    I know you know I know you know I know you know this map is really good and one of my top ten 1v1 maps.

    Still can't believe you went from trash to pure cash in between two maps, despite half a year to digest it.

    Don't like the new rock porch in front of the stütsbalke larges in that one room or how the 1x1 lang und dünns are visible over the wall coliseum at the upper erste hilfe (+) pack and the entire ledge, And normally I'd complain, but you know our policy.

    I know what to nominate for FHF next week, as if that stuff mattered =S.
  8. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    Unfortunately infection was removed for the improvements on the aesthetics.

    It plays well too. Oh and thank you.

    I take it you know about that thing between me and Eightball. Actually I did it so he can finally release a map and I can also release Mercury that was long overdue.

    Thank you! And might I ask what Unreal map this reminds you of?


    Just kidding

    You don't have to worry about the water much since there aren't many tactical jumps over it. I'm glad you loved the aesthetics, hope you like the gameplay as much.

    I liked the name Vulcan but I prefer Mercury because... no complaining. I didn't know this was in your top ten 1v1 maps, thats touching.
  9. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks fairly impressive. There's a lot of potential here. I'm really liking the aesthetics, especially how you did the walls with Ramp Bridges, as it adds a nice touch of color to what would be a overbearing gray. Its nice that the ceilings are placed fairly high as well. I hate when a room feels cramped because of the ceiling.
  10. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Ah, yes. This is an artwork. I remember this map being well thought out and original in many aspects. I love the water on this map, it looks like it belongs there and the teleporters. I don't have any complaints in all out honesty and found this map a nice touch panic. Free cheers to you my friend.
  11. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    <3 Mercury. It was always fun playing with you and equinox, getting snipped. (Yes that's right, snipped.) I love playing here- as you pointed out the lines of sight are awesome and the aesthetics are great. The only thing you may have to think about is splitscreen play. I feel if needed, you could dumb down the aesthetics [:(!] for splitscreen. I personally don't know if you play with friends on halo often, but it could be nice. Everything other than that I think is great. Especially GL hallway, how it has those bends that are great for cornerkills. Good job, career!
  12. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    If its one map I owe a post to, its this one.

    Mercury is like the grandson that I hardly ever get to see because he lives out of state, but started off babysitting every other day. A handsome, mature boy he has turned out to be, indeed.


    Enough with that. Mercury is one of my top maps, period. The design is smoothe, intuitive, and well thought out. The aesthetics are subtle, but crucial, like that one degree of sound that lets you hear the sound of someone cornered behind a divot in the wall squeaking "Healthpack? Healthpack?" (/insidejoke) Despite that one moment, the healthpacks are extremely well-placed and have saved my life multiple times and allowed me to jump right back into fighting. However, they are placed in just the right spots to give a measure of risk in exchange for their services.

    I personally had a blast each and every time I've played Mercury, seen its changes, phases, and quirks. Whether it was through smoke of a clean no-scope headshot or on the wrong end of a grenade launcher, through wins and losses, I always had a great time, and while I may not agree with each and every change you made, I know that they were for the better.

    I am happy knowing that I helped make this map a success.
  13. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    I'll take that into consideration. The map would play well in a 1v1 splitscreen. Thank you.


    Thanks. It was indeed a blast playing this map. Hell, you got better at this map than I did.
  14. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Reguardless of our "deal", I would've posted Catha. I really wanted you to post this map, because I know you're too lazy otherwise.

    Anyways, this is one of your best maps, Career. It shines in the aesthetic department and most certainly doesn't let-down in the gameplay department. (What are we in a mall?) Haha, bad jokes aside, this is one map I think deserves attention on a great scale.

    Great work man, now you gotta get to posting that cool quake-esque map.
  15. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    Quite, you're going to ruin the surprise.

    Besides, I was going to release this map eventually.

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
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    Just had to give props on this sexy sexy map, great use of ramps and glass as well as the incorporation of natural elements in an artificial environment!

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