I have a problem. I'm designing a gametype for a puzzle map in which the player must capture all the territories to win. Currently my settings are: Gametype:Score to win: 5 Gametype Options: Land Grab: Asymmetric Territories: 5 Time to capture: 5 seconds Contested Scoring: Disabled Territory Lock: Disabled This is currently the best working version of the gametype I have so far, because it: 1. Keeps the territories from locking and therefore territory traits remain active. 2. The territory doesn't keep continuously scoring points. (which allows me to set a score so that the game WILL end) There's a big flaw with it however, and that is this: if you start the game as the red team you're defending, and I haven't found any way around this, and besides that, I thought red was always attackers first and not defenders? The only thing I've thought of possibly solving this is to set it so players have the option to change teams. The only problem then is, since the gametype is asymmetric, the territories can't be recaptured. It seems for every solution I find it opens up another problem.
If it's symmetric then points will continue to be scored when locking territories is turned off, the territory traits will still be active, but I would have to set the score to unlimited, and when I do that, the game never ends. If it's symmetric and I set it so that the territories lock, then after they lock they no longer have the custom territory traits (jump higher), but then I can set a score.
Blue is always attackers first in objective (this is only different in invasion depending on which race is attacking.) It seems you may just have to remind people that this is a map for those dang Blues to play on. That way you won't need to give up any features.