Hello Forgehubbers! My name is Fish, and I'm new here! This is my first posted map, but by all means please don't be gentle on criticism, I want every ounce of input! But enough about me, you want the map don't you? Terraformed is a very small 1v1 or 2v2 map, I was being told that to much of my maps were "just blocks" so to prove them wrong I just started to work around the center tree. I am very proud of this map and the person who helped me make it. This was co-forged with Biohunter405, he is what I like to call my "Detail elf" He came up with some of the little things that make this map pretty. The ceiling structure above the bottom teleporters, the little boxes in the corners of the hallways, the swords and the piece that covers them... He does a lot. So thank you Biohunter! I don't really have much more to say about this, it is a fairly small map, I have not tested it with more then just Biohunter and myself so don't expect it to work with more then 4 people. Map screens! The overview(lots of things had to be deleted, but here's the outline of the map): The center1: The center2: One of the the teleporters: The OH SO PRETTY waterfall: Criticize away! BIG EDIT: I realize now that this map is one of those maps that looks pretty, but is really nooby. My first mistake was even posting it here before I learned a thing or two, The spawns are terribad, it has no gametypes set up for it, framerate is bad in some spots, and the weapons are not placed well at all. Please do not download this map, it's my first map and it doesn't do much in the way of gameplay. Thank you for your time. Now if you want the pretty-ness of this map along with solid gameplay check out Silent Steam. (if the link is broken just grab it from here.
Follow this guide to post screenshots: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html To Mods: I know its kinda backseat modding, but I'm being helpful
Why thank you very much! In my book you did no backseat modding what-so-ever, you were just the first person to be helpful. You beat the mods to their job is all Done! thank you for the help you two!
Haha, I got a "warning" from the moderators for helping you post the pics! Anyway, good looking map. I really like what you did using the shields as a waterfall...the map is very aesthetically pleasing. Is it possible to throw up an overview (top-down) image of the map? it'll probably require you to go through and temporarily delete the ceiling of the map, but it would give viewers a better idea of what the map looks like geometrically.
This map is really cleanly and interestingly forged. Certain ideas you have used I've never seen before (such as the spiral ramps in the floor), which I commend you for. I would consider changing the little platforms you have the grenades and pistol resting on because they're a bit odd and in general players usually don't like running into a wall-type area to get their weapons. Also note when placing things like weapons that they are supposed to be strategically placed to enhance GP, not hinder it by forcing the player to turn their back to the rest of the map to pick one up. But other than that, clean looking map. Interesting waterfall. I almost thought it was a bit dumb at first, but once I got in-game and saw how it actually looked like water, I was slightly impressed, though it doesn't look as clean as one would hope. It's certainly creative. Good job.
This is a very impressive first post T3h Phish love the use of the spiral ramps as floors (I might use that one day if you don't mind) I love how you split up the map having grass on one side and rocks on the other it looks very aesthetically pleasing and cleanly forged. great job and welcome to the hub
As stated before this is a very impressive first post Fish. The jump pads remind me of Halo 3s Construct, is that where you got the idea from? If so, good job, I probably couldn't remake something like that so aesthetically pleasing. As for criticism, there isn't much I can say. However I think that the weapon placement on the map could be revised a little, don't let me discourage you though, I loved the map. BTW: The waterfall was actually realistic, I didn't expect that much attention to detail. Amazing
Well thanks for the support guys! That makes me feel a lot better and now I'm certainly going to be posting more maps. I think I'll make it a personal goal to post one map a week! I have a bunch of maps that just need to be posted that are little hidden gems like this one! Also thanks Res for the constructive criticism on the weapons. I'll try to put them in more grab-able positions and avoid corners in the future! And yes everyone, as I stated the waterfall is my favorite part as well. The picture of it just doesn't look that good but when you actually download it you see it's smexyness