
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by so PRANX, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. so PRANX

    so PRANX Forerunner

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    Gladiators! has returned to Halo:Reach!

    -- Gladiators is an Arena-type map where up to 16 contestants are spawned into one of thirty-two rooms, all of which face one another, to serve up two minutes of hectic action per round.

    -- Contestants will spawn with one life per round in addition to a pair of random weapons, and will quickly earn points as they brandish their brutality on the battlefield.

    -- To "encourage" the unfortunate contestant whom spawns with weapons they do not desire, one (1) rocket-launcher is humbly placed in the very center of the arena amidst the natural decoration, as well as four (4) pairs of plasma grenades for the toss-happy player.

    -- It should be noted that each of the sixteen upper spawn location rooms are outfitted with 10-second-acting methane gas. Contestants whom plan on camping the upper areas will suffocate after those 10 seconds, however, the lower rooms will be available to inhabit for the 2 minutes of gameplay.

    -- I'd like to thank Miss Giggity for the creation of this map. The design/layout was her original idea, and I'm very pleased that I was able to bring her thoughts to life. The arena is beautifully decorated, with the central "statue" which houses the rocket launcher crafted into the surrounding natural rock.

    -- Without further ado -- here are those pics which you'll base your downloading decision off of!!!! (we all know the description means nothing haha).

    View #1 - one of the camera load-out screens at Round Start.

    View #2 - The Arena's Center Statue

    View #3 - Miss Giggity likes explosions.

    View #4 - An overhead look.

    View #5 - Another look at the Statue.

    View #6 - The Pose. Don't hate.
    I'd like to thank Miss Giggity + TheElfPunk (pictured) for their contributions and ideas. I'd like to thank Aistrope, NitrousShot, ScrubFingers, Syniister and many others for their testing. Thanks ya'll!

    Remember to check out my other maps:
    >> The Louhipalo Raceway (Casual Race Map)
    >> Double Trouble v5 (Casual Puzzle Map)
    >> Remake of Delfino Square (Casual Race Map)
    Off-Topic: But, -- I'll be forging a few of the MarioKart tracks soon, and repairing others. If you check me out online, I have like 14 of them if you're interested.
    #1 so PRANX, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  2. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    That's a very interesting slayer map that you put on so PRANX. I remember when 3 months after I got Halo 3 (which is over 3 years ago). My friends and I play that particllar map. It's based in Foundry and there's like 4 arenas on one map. This Gladiator map you did is only one arena. But with that epic statue in the middle of the arena it gives the feel of it. I can't think of the difference between Halo 3 and this. Vp Snipes from TE on youtube he made this similar map. And his map was so S*** that I'll not play it. Yours is one of the top marked arena map I've ever seen yet. Excellent job for making so good.
  3. so PRANX

    so PRANX Forerunner

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    Well thank you sir for the kind words.

    I made this upon request for those who fondly remember the map from Halo: 3 like we did. It's different, but plays really, really well.... especially when everyone's watching the last 2 people creep around on each other lol.
  4. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks very interesting love the aesthetic rock statue in the middle it is very nice I do have one question though and that is(only looking at the pictures and description)what if someone spawn with bad weapons and trys to get to the rockets but gets killed on there way they will never have a change to defend there selfs so there will always be one person every round who dies try to get good weapons in a game so I recommend changing every weapon to the same weapon so it involves more skill than luck
  5. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    From the pictures you have there, it doesn't show much of your map. Maybe take a few pictures of the top of the map, ect. The pictures you have now do not do justice.
  6. so PRANX

    so PRANX Forerunner

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    Thank you sir - i was meticulous when i forged it, so everything is fairly symmetrical.

    Well, the fiesta weapon spawn is half the fun of the map. Some rounds you get screwed, and some rounds you spawn with stuff you like. The rocket in the center is designed to "tempt" the less fortunate spawners, and to initiate some of the action. Hope that answers your question.

    I will definitely add some more pictures - thanks for the heads up.

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

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    This is an interesting idea. While I like this style of mixed gameplay that you never see, if you get put with someone monstrously better than you, or you get unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of a rocket launcher you opponent picked up instantly, you might be a little upset. Gameplay would perhaps be more interesting if there were, perhaps, three lives per person. Then, once you died, you could check out the other action of other people battling it out. To do that, however, you'd need a time limit of 'Unlimited', and the premise would be that the survivors all gained a couple of points. Or else, if there's only one life, the winner is just standing there for a long time with nothing to do...
  8. so PRANX

    so PRANX Forerunner

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    This is true, but as i mentioned, the very nature of the game leads to some "backstabbing" and "camping" moments which can blindside the better players. Obviously the rocket in the middle is normally watched by everyone in the game, so it's quite dangerous to go after.. but other than that, some fun moments happen from people finding random weapons.

    There are ten rounds though, so you get ten lives per game. The one live per round is supposed to simulate the final life of the gladiator or whatever. I'm not exactly sure why one life was chosen. As i mentioned above, I forged this remake for someone else's idea. I'll suggest to her your idea though, and see what she thinks.

    Once there is only person left, the round ends automatically.

    Edited by merge:

    I'll also add this image to the post above, but:

    Here is an overhead view of the map for reference, per request.

    #8 so PRANX, Jan 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  9. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I downloaded your map for sure, great map. One thing I'm gonna say is, 5 rounds for me lol, not 10. 20 minutes of one game is way too much unless it's a puzzle xD.

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