map: game-type:slayer team slayer ever wanted to play on a construction site well now you can on my new map construct this is a unsc base it is now being constructed [represented by fences] it has one middle area the sniper tower the alley the stair building and the rec room PICS overveiw middle area rec. room sniper tower hallway in the stairway building top stairway building bottom stair way building action pics
I am not sure but i think some one had the same idea but with a different map. But still i had always wanted to play in a construction site. The only problem with this one is that you can not destroy it. LOL
The map looks great, ill have to d/l and see, but it almost reminds me of sewers.(only from looking at pics.) Not saying its identicle but nice map.
Hey, haven't I heard of a map named Construct before? Can't remember from where, but I think it sucked cause there was no interlocking. Definitely didn't DL it... /sarcasm Anyway, I did get a pretty good construction site feel from this map, so good job with the aesthetic touches. There's a bit of sloppiness that could be cleaned up pretty easily, and you should probably include a weapons list. Also, I don't know if you care about grenade jumpers, but some of the walls in the pics can be jumped over. Solid effort: 7/10
lol, it's sloppy looking because it's under construction. It actually isn't sloppy. If you mean the fact that there are a few small gaps on the map, they could easily be cleaned up by some interlocking. But it does look like a grenade jumper could escape the map. Also, what weapons are on the map?
uhh dude idk if you have played halo recently but i just think you should make a new map. it may surprise you but there is a map named construct in halo 3 *sarcasm*
Really? There is? I think I may have played on that map once or twice but I probably got so frustrated with people camping the damn gravlifts with the sword that I forgot the name... And if anyone names a non-epitaph map Epitaph, I will beat them into the ground (there was no sarcasm involved there).
seem's good. and i personally think using the name that bungie made is fine XD there are like... 60 maps here with the name traning area or related, but he's the only one to use the bungie name and people act weird?? silly// anyways. nice map. Dl'd when i get back to my 360