Hoglands [Updated] Hoglands is a 4v4 - 6v6 map in the works with Slayer as it's priority, although it will probably support most gametypes. As the name suggests it is mostly orientated around Warthog gameplay as there are defined roads cutting through the multiple buildings. The name also may remind you of Highlands, the BTB map from the Defiant map pack. Just like Highlands, Hoglands also has multiple buildings throughout the map connected with grassy roads and natural terrain which I took into account when building. [UPDATE] Vehicles: Warthog x2 Mongoose x2 Ghost x1 Power Weapons: Rocket Launcher x1 Grenade Launcher x1 Shotgun x1 I'm not too experienced with spawns, so if anyone is, and would like to give me a hand with them send me a message on Xbox Live. Also, if anyone would like to test the map, which would be greatly appreciated, send me a message also. Most of my friends have been completely sucked into the MW3/FIFA12 vortex.
this looks really nice except in that pic with the structure in the water that little balcony thing looks like it was just put there. try and like have something holding it up or something. other than that the map looks nice
Wow it remind me Headlong ! Looks to be a great map ..... i hope you will invite me for testing or just play on it .
^^That is exactly what I said.^^ And the Name instantly reminded me of Highlands. I think this is a pretty good idea focusing gameplay on hogs because so few people actually put them in their maps unless its a BTB. Also, from the overhead, the map looks relatively breakable especially for jetpackers. Its a difficult thing to build a map like this and keep people in the intended area of play. I just hope you put a lot of thought into your kill barriers. But all the structures look good and I like that nothing was duplicated and every building is unique to itself.
I assure you that not a sole can break this map, every roof is covered with soft kill barriers and the outsides of the map are covered in soft kill barriers and followed by hard kill barriers. I have tested it with jetpacks to make sure. Aside from that, thank you for the comments and I hope you will take part in testing and playing my map.
Clearly you haven't met Overdoziz... Youre welcome. And I would be more than happy to help. Send me an invite sometime.