
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by PinkishObject, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    I made this map originally very differently, it was originally almost a citadel type map but the dimensions got messed up somewhere so i restarted. I started with the bases being the focal point of the map and revolved around those. The maps was difficult to make because the map revolves around 45 degree angles and that of course is difficult to pull off. I have play tested this multiple times and it plays best in slayer. i set up the spawns with anti and weak spawn zones to make the spawns never interfere. In the video you see that i spawn relatively close to others but not to close, that problem is mostly because i was playing 5v5. it is best 4v4 to 2v2 it works really good. Enjoy the video and picture! Weapon list below!

    Weapon List:
    1 Rocket Launcher-180 seconds-1 spare clip
    1 Sniper Rifle-120 seconds-1 spare clip
    2 Shotguns-90 seconds-1 spare clip
    2 Plasma Pistols-45 seconds
    4 DM2 shotguns 1 spare clip 90seconds
    2 Plasma Pistols 45 seconds
    4 DMRs-30 seconds-2 spare clips
    4 Frag Grenades-30 seconds
    4 Plasma Grenades-30 seconds*(2 of them are in version 3 only)*
    Overshield 90 seconds *(version 2 only)*

    Spider Gameplay/Teaser - YouTube



    [​IMG]-Blue base
    [​IMG]-Blue base to Green base
    [​IMG]-Bottom Blue base
    [​IMG]-Red base to Yellow base
    [​IMG]-Red base
    [​IMG]-bottom Red base
    [​IMG]-Red bas to Green base
    [​IMG]-Yellow Base
    [​IMG]-Red base to Yellow base
    [​IMG]-Bottom Middle/Rockets
    [​IMG]-Green Base
    [​IMG]-Top Middle to Green base
    [​IMG]-Top Middle to Yellow base
    [​IMG]-Red base to Middle to Blue base
    [​IMG]- Blue base to Middle to Red base

    VERSION 2 download Link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 PinkishObject, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  2. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Until I saw that there were tunnels going under the map, I was going to say it was too open. Also, it looks like an MLG map.
  3. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    it is a little open but the map is relatively small so its about a block 4x4's length to the center which is raised. there is only a "tunnel" at rocket spawn and it just goes to the other side
  4. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It looks like one, but I'm afraid it couldn't be one because of its location. The map is not only close to water, but close to the waterfall as well. As interestingly forged as it may be, I personally think the location seriously hinders the feel of the map overall. Players with headsets can hear the sound of both the water and the falls well which can interfere with hearing other players footsteps, bullets, ect. which can be quite annoying. Though I understand why you might have chosen to build it in this particular area (the windows offer an okay view...?) it is a bit of a bite in the butt.

    Location aside, I'd like to say that the bases are, as you said, the focal point of the map. They have an interesting layout and great aesthetics (I love the windows). The way you have mid laid out provides a change in elevation which is much needed on the open planes of Spider. I would also like to commend you on the name. Because of the spider-like block structures on each base, the name seems quite suitable. Though I don't like overlapping pieces, it's relatively easy to look past (green/gold). Overall, good job. If you at some point have a lot of time on your hands, I would consider remaking the map in a less game play hindering area.
  5. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    If you watch the video you can here that the waterfall is not too loud that you can't here footsteps and the map almost sounds like a forest. I have plans to decrease the number of items at green and yellow bases as well as other places so that i am able to add that necessary cover in front of each base. (Note i have 0 building blocks, 0 decorative, and 1 platform i should be able to create 4 more platforms and maybe 2 building blocks)
  6. Hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis Forerunner

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    Map looks great! Very nice aesthetics, and the gameplay looks solid! It seems like a good mix of maps like Kingdom and Element (which are two of my favorites). I'll give it a DL and try to get a few games on this ASAP!

    My only question would be concerning the colluseum walls as inclines/ramps. Larger pieces seem to occasionally "move" when you boot up the map...does this cause any uneven flooring?
  7. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    Hasn't happened to me the ramps are usually very smooth and either way if it does happen it is most likely unnoticeable. And yeah my original design was similar to element mixed with a bit of android and a pinch of zealot all mixed together. This is what popped out
  8. Mynx

    Mynx Overzealous
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well not hearing footsteps is part of the problem, players with headsets generally like getting what they paid for; hearing people behind them and or around them. And I understand that in the video the waterfall may not be loud, but I was in the map myself and it was almost annoying it was so loud.
    But of course there really isn't a solution to this without moving the whole entire map, so it's not too big a deal, I was just letting you know. Especially for future maps. Again, it's just advice.
  9. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It looks nice with the aesthetics and all but I am not a big fan of the 2x2 flat pieces in the first pic(in the spoiler)because on symmetrical maps blocks that aren't symmetrical in all angles that are put into angles that they are not symmetrical in tend to look really ugly. But besides that great map.
  10. PinkishObject

    PinkishObject Forerunner

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    All right thats an easy fix ill change that stuff whenever i get on next

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