The New Factory History My newest map and definitely one of the best. The Factory was my first map I made completely on my own but at that time i had limited knowledge about forging.The Factory has gone through a few changes since the first version came out exactly four months ago which includes interlocking, the use of the unlimited items glitch, and easier access to places. The original map still remains on my file share but it out of date. Original Factory Details The New Factory is a three layered map. The bottom floor contains many rooms that have alternate entrances so there will be no camping. The middle floor which consists of the U shape around the map plus the whole center area. The top floor is purely for the sniper and battle rifles. With so many towers and the cat walks you will want control of the high ground. The map is good for 4-12 people and with so many barriers there will be plenty to hide behind. The map was only created for Slayer, however the other game types will work with the map still. The whole map is completely symmetrical except for some weapons such as magnums, plasma rifles, spikers, and smgs which all comes in pairs. Pictures and Details Base A This is where the attackers spawn and from the start you can take the stairs to the sniper cat walk, the door to the inside the map, the bridge to the second level, or the far left to go around the outside. Base B This side spawns the defenders and is exactly identical to the other side only mirrored. Center The is a center view of the map which allows you to see the second story with the see through floor and the cat walk up above. Sniper Towers These boxes serve as sniper towers or battle rifle towers. You have a good view of the whole map from up here and definitely want to control the high ground. On each side spawns one sniper and two battle rifles. Shotgun The shotgun spawns on the far back wall from where you spawn on the second floor. Sword The sword spawns in the hallway, to reach it you have to go through the teleporters situated towards the back or the map in the box. Bottom Floor Rooms There are a few rooms situated on the bottom floor a few are protected with shield doors but have more than one entrance. A few rooms contain weapons others just contain grenades but if you need a place to hide try these rooms for protection. Underneath This is directly in the center of the map with four entrances protected by shield doors would be a good place to camp. However with an open ceiling you wont be camping there for long unless you use the bubble shield situated in the room to your advantage. Weapons and Equipment Assault Rifles x4 Battle Rifles x9 Shotgun x1 Snipers x2 SMG x2 Spikers x2 Magnums x2 Plasma Rifles x2 Energy Sword x1 Carbines x6 Maulers x2 Frag Grenades x16 Spike Grenades x12 Bubble Shield x1 Power Drainer x1 Health Regenerators x2 Overshield x1 Camo x1 Link to Map The New Factory
Sorry I read the rules I just forgot about that, I will get on that right now and fix that. Thanks guys.
Sounds fun but why did you put magnums on the map they are one of the worst guns in the game. I would rather have a sentential beam. LOL
LoL, Magnums are fun I kick butt with them when they are teamed with a plasma rifle. Anyways now I have my pictures embedded. Happy Downloading.
I really like the clean look of the map and simplicity of design. Also it appears to have some fun sight lines as well. Also the weapon variety seems to make for an interesting mix.
a sentinal beam? thats one of the most powerfull weapons, 2 seconds from that and your fried pictols though= a waste of $2 or however much they cost i'd rather have a single spiker.