Plants vs Zombies

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by ieatpirates, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. ieatpirates

    ieatpirates Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Infection based Plants vs Zombies map and gametype. Map is lane based, like the game itself.
    Survivors (plants) defend the house while the zombies (zombies) attempt to reach the house and eat plants and there owner ( who Is not relevant to this game). If some time has passed and the zombies have not yet wiped out the plants ,tombstones (teleporters ) rise from the ground to give the zombies a better chance of victory. Zombies with the custom power-up are the cone zombies and the wise zombies will use them as shields

    In an ideal world 50% of players would spawn as zombies and the others as Survivors, but this isn't halo 3. So if you wants to enjoy the map fully I advise you tweak the game-type slightly for the amount of people playing e.g.
    if 6 players, 3 initial zombies
    if 8 players, 4 initial zombies
    overview of map
    view from house
    view from zombie spawn

    please enjoy and leave feedback!

    #1 ieatpirates, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
  2. enti0

    enti0 Forerunner

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    Oh wow! A Plants Vs Zombies map. We havn't seen one of these for a while, its quite original, to be honest.

    When I played it with friends I must say that it was one of the ultimate gaming experinces, one I will always treasure.

    Unfortunately, once you get more than about 3 survivors, the zombies chances are quite bleak.

    This is really the only set back though - with a bit of work, it could be a masterpiece.
    Keep up the good work. Without doubt you could become a legend.
  3. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    Not a bad remake of "Plants vs Zombies". Two things that puts me off from downloading the map. One as enti0 said more than three survivors the chances of the zombies are a bit unfair cause if I was a zombie and try to infect a survivor, it's a bit impossible to infect survivors from the one way shelids to the house. And two the width of the map is a bit narrow. You should expand the map width ways added like two to four extra lanes to make it more interesting and fun. P.S best remake of "Plants vs Zombies" so far.
  4. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Please explain the gametype. Is it mimicking the playstyle of the actual game, or is it just the map? Also, what happens when Zombies get in the house?
  5. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    I'd played the game before on my ipod. The zombie's objective is to storm the house and try to infect the survivors. And the survivors objective is to defend the house and themselfs. That's what the game is about S0uthernNumber.
  6. ieatpirates

    ieatpirates Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the tips, I miss the days of halo 3 where you could set the % of zombies spawning. Any idea on how I can make half the players spawn as zombies and the other half survivors?
  7. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Forerunner

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    Well thats the hard part of changing of how many players are as the zombies. It's depending on how many players are in the custom game lobby. Like if there's 8 players in your game lobby and you have to always change the people who are the zombies like 4 players on zombies and the other 4 are survivors. You have to always change the gametype if there's different amount of players in your game lobby. That's my best idea I came out with.

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