What's up, guys? I'm new here, but I'm hardly new to Halo, or forging for that matter. I've got a lot of maps sitting around that I've never bothered to publicize with the exception of one or two, and I think it's about time I changed that. I'm here to have fun, play some maps, and hopefully present my own.
Hi, allow me to welcome you to forgehub, where the hubbers roam freely with their beloved maps, seeking fame and glory (at least that's how I view forgehub) . Anyway, I'm very anxious for what you have in store for the community. Just stick to the rules and you will be alright. Welcome to Forgehub.
hello good sir! I love your agenda of having fun! I cant say much more that Sinless didnt, so I guess just enjoy the time here and I'll see you around!
Welcome to forgehub good sir... Assuming you are a sir of course. Look forward tk seeing your maps, and I hope they are fun.
Welcome! Hello, uh, Hi! welcome to ForgeHub! I'm somewhat new too, but I know you'll like it here. Oh, and eat MY cookie. I can assure you, it's poisoned LESS than whatever Sky did to his.
I dont do anything to my cookies They're made with the same love and affection that anyone else would use