Could use an overlay image, hard to see from the pics.. it looks super clean though, does this map use a filter or is that just photoshop effects?
Ok, so, Nibs and Res basically pointed out everything that was wrong with the map. The only things I really can't stand, even to this day, is the walling surrounding the map. I honestly think that it's a horrible mixture of textures. I also didn't like that area with the shield door. It was like a little tunnel or something. Anyways, the FX were not a problem, IMO. It takes a really bad combo of FX to annoy me. I really like how the map felt kind of ethereal. It was a nice change of pace, but sometimes people just don't like FX. Also, I liked your flooring- it was different, in a good way. This map, I feel, you have learned from. You took this map as a learning experience and you're now producing maps on a higher scale. Kai looks promising and the wall textures don't suck (Sorry). Now you need to finish up Ark. I'll be looking forward to seeing your future projects. Keep up the good work, man.
I'm new here, but I am very impressed by the maps I see here! I cant wait to get some friends together to play some of these. I have so much to learn!!!