"Shafted" on "the elevators"

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by jacko1006, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. jacko1006

    jacko1006 Ancient
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    Shafted on the elevators

    This is my second map I have created for ForgeHub, and i decided to do something less aesthetic - but none the less it still looks great. As you can tell by the title, the story behind this map is that you are stranded in the elevator shafts of a particular building, defending yourself from the incoming horde of infected. Unfortunately, there is no happy ending and you will soon reach your inevitable death, but that doesn't mean you can't try. You must use jet-packs to accumulate weapons and achieve vantage points as a group to survive the longest. Weapons may not contain enough ammunition so it will not last forever. The infected will be joining you with jet-packs, giving them a fair chance of gaining their meal. There are shortcuts and secret paths used for flanking which you need to be cautious of - make sure you watch your backs!

    These following images will give you insight to the map and help justify my description:


    The photo above is looking down the elevator shaft itself, there are 7 elevators in total. Each elevator is slightly warped to give access to rooms which well be at the floors. Weapons will be scattered down the shaft swell as in hold-out rooms.



    The infected will spawn in two 'spawn-kill proof' elevators and rooms which they will have to free themselves from at the start of the game. This allows the humans to gather there bearings for a short time.


    Meanwhile, the humans spawn in a room half way down the shaft. As the infected free themselves, this gives the humans time to peruse the direction of their choice, both offering suitable defending positions.

    Room 1


    Room 2


    Here are two of three rooms that the humans will have the chance to defend themselves in. Both contain a unique weapon. The 3rd is located up the stairs next to the spawn.


    As well as the hold-out rooms their is the bottom of the shaft to attempt to defend yourselves at.


    One of the shortcuts mentioned earlier links an entrance of room 1 to room 1 itself through an opening also seen in the image of room 1. From this shortcut, the crate can be knocked out the way, leading to a gravity-lift which propels the player to vents directing the player to the entrance of the second room via the camera angle which the image of room 2 has been taken. (lift seen below)


    The final image is of the outside of the map, where no gameplay takes place. I thought it would give a different perspective of the map.


    Hope you give this map a download! and enjoy

    !WARNING! this has not been tested! Please report any faults in gameplay or of the gametype itself! Thank you, much love. Jack.
    #1 jacko1006, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    Ah come on, you shouldn't post a map without testing it some what. Especially this type of map, its unique, I kind of like the idea. I started a elevator map for infection that is based off spawn times and teleporters. Also, for future references, don't use the white color text, its not that important in this situation but others cant see the text if they have the light theme.
  3. jacko1006

    jacko1006 Ancient
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    By tested i haven't used a full lobby - but the game is set up to withhold 16 players. Thanks for the tip on text, I'll bare that in mind for next time.
  4. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    I'm really skeptical on how this would play, it looks pretty cluttered.
    However I will give you this, you created an original idea for a setting and a good one at that. The aesthetics are alright but they seem kind of sloppy, I and most people here would appreciate a cleaner map. Don't confuse sloppy or cluttered forging with the style of forging usually associated with urban maps where the zombies **** everything up and stuff. I know you're a new member so I'm sorry if this seemed kind of harsh, but you've got a great idea here, and I'd love to help you make it better. Maybe send me a message over xbl sometime? My gt is Ociee117 if you're interested. Perhaps we could even test it together later on.
  5. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    Hm The idea is the definitely unique, I like the elevator shaft feature. Moving on, The map is simple and clean, but I agree that some areas are slightly sloppy. An example would be the way the rocks suddenly go into the wall. Or the tin cups above the floor.

    Usually the tin cups when used for grass effect is either put slightly below the floors or above with a object outlining it.

    those were my own personal opinion on 'sloppy'

    And Welcome to ForgeHub!
  6. jacko1006

    jacko1006 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, and I completely see where both of you are coming from! The one thing at the moment hindering most improvements is the fact that i've used up all my budget! Cuts could be made, but i'd feel more confident to make changes with more experienced forgers. So I will definitely follow you up Ociee on your offer, i'd like you to know your assistance would be greatly appreciated! I will message you tomorrow and arrange a forge for this weekend if that it agreeable with you as school will be taking up a lot of my time these upcoming weeks! Look forward to hearing back from you soon!

    Once again, thanks a lot guys. Jack
  7. EpICx ReMiX XD

    EpICx ReMiX XD Promethean

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    I've never seen this unique map before. I like the way you put the theme on a stranded elevator shafts in a tall building and the infected jet-packing up the elevator shafts and looking for survivors to infect. You should type on your thread to tell the people who want to download this map see how many weapons are in this map, just give an extra detail to your jet-packing infection map. Well Done and also Welcome to Forgehub!!

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