This is a modified map and gametype of Aquilifier's Trench Wars and Trench Warfare. Every this in the game type is pretty much the same. This map is fun with at least 3 on at least 3. This is a picture of blue base. Each base has two sniping tower and many stuff to hide behind. There are a total of 5 territories on the map. The most dangerous area ussualy where the most action is in no-mans-land. You'll be attacked by enemy forces, missles, plasma cannons, sniper shots, and aerial bombs. There is no cover in this area except one trench in the middle. This area stretchs from one fence to the other. TAKE CAUTION! Each base comes with an opperational Turrent to pin the enemy down. The defences around the turrent can be so strong that they can take a hit from aerial bombs and live, most of the time. Each side also comes with anti-turrent. They could also be used the stop enemy advancement. Watch as the enemy hides in fears of your trigger. This is one of my favorite parts. It probably the least efficient way to kill the enemy, but add to the moment. The wraith artillary can shoot all the way to the enemy's base; you just can't tell where your shooting. Someday maybe. The most favor and deadly tool on the whole map is the snipe. It doesn't spawn right away, but when it does your enemy will be taking cover in the trenches. Coming in number two is the recon banshee, used for anything but reacon. Once it finally spawns it will take fight and start hunting for it's prey. These matches can get intense with all that is going on. The team who reach to 500 points or the one with the most point after time runs out wins that round. There are five rounds; five battles; five chances you get to show what you can do. Good luck! I hope you enjoy. P.S. I don't care if you criticize how the game works, nut please don't criticize how the map is by just looking at the pitures. Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Just finished playing this and I have three complaints: 1. Why is this posted in Race maps? 2. The sniper rifle is completely dominant. People would just camp in the base and rack up streaks. Most of the map was just too open for there to be sniper rifles. 3. The map is basically the exact same as the original Trench Warfare. I didn't see any new concepts. It seems like you could have made this much more unique than you did. That's it, really. Other than that, it played pretty well.
What do you mean by modified map? You can't post modded maps on FH. Also why did you post in the Race section. Did you not see the race forum when you posted the thread?