Halo 4 Forge Improvements

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XXWeaponXX7, Dec 31, 2011.

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  1. XXWeaponXX7

    XXWeaponXX7 Forerunner

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    I'm new here, and I'm sure that this has been posted over and over again, but I do want to see newer and better things in Forge 3.0. I'm a game developer and designer, and got a lot of inspiration from playing and watching Halo's Forge. But, after getting my hands on UDK and Cry-Engine 3, I can see that there are a lot of improvements to be made. But first, let's see how forge improved from 1.0 to 2.0

    Version 1.0, from Halo 3, had quite a basic, but easy to use, layout. Everything was displayed in a neat "box", though minute movements and large-scale construction were rather hard to do. This, of course, didn't stop good forge maps and redesigning of older map templates, though it was rather hard to make. Maps like Foundry and Sandbox (If I can remember right.) made this easier, and provided an easier and more clean slate on which to draw on. However, even with a blank slate and easy to use layout, there were 2 problems -- clunky and slow movement, and a somewhat limited amount of object placement. Even so, one of my favorite features of Halo 3's Forge, was Sandtrap, which allowed use of the 2 Elephants, as well, as a wide range of Vehicles, giving a sense of a mass-scale war. this was a feature that could be taken complete advantage of, and plenty of private forge maps captured this image. This has been something that has been rather difficult to do in Halo: Reach, regardless of the huge map.

    Halo: Reach's Version 2.0 of Forge saw major improvements, with easier object rotating, a 3-dimensional grid that would allow for both minute movements, AND a base for building seamless (Literally, seamless.) maps that could be placed just about anywhere in a vast sandbox, Forge World. As well, the layout had evolved into something a little easier to use, with a quick layout for getting the object that the forger wants. This was truly, the best version of forge world.

    But, of course, these aren't the only 2 map development tools. I currently use the UDK, a development tool for building mobile and console games. To start off, the layout is simple enough, though the learning curve for it would throw off most developers. However, there are features within this that aren't in Forge 1/2.0, but are actually really basic, such as --

    *Cut, Copy, and Paste tools for Objects/Actors.
    *Object Scaling/Object Scaling on 1 axis (X, Y, Z)
    *The ability to edit and create terrain.
    *Absolutely no limit in the amount of objects placeable
    *Occlusion Culling (Not rendering what the player can't see.)
    *Much, Much, MUCH more.

    Of course there are more of better features in a program like this, but this is designed for game creation. However, this doesn't mean that features like the ones shown above should be neutered or not be available at all to a forger. After all, there are plenty of amazing forgers on this site, most of whom can do much better than the Forge's targeted audience. All we need, are better, stringer, and faster tools.

    As well, forged firefight missions, don't have any reason to not be. There is something, known as Nav-Mesh, which is everywhere that an A.I. can walk on. This was a feature used in Fallout 3, where there was just so much area, they couldn't even begin to make all the A.I. Nodes. Of course, this meant that numerous glitches occurred. Even so, imagine if Bungie applied Nav-mesh for, say, Forge World. Even if Reach used A.I. nodes, the Nav-mesh could easily be converted into A.I. Nodes, and still have the same effect. Even better, the Nav-mesh (and, subsequently, the A.I. Nodes.) would change and bend to whatever the player places, without the player having to change them manually.
    But, what about locations where enemies could be dropped off? Where would we place snipers? Where can we place an enemy Vehicle? if we want an enemy vehicle? All of these would have to be answered with manually added way-points and markers, much like we do with spawn points in both Halo 3 and Reach. As well, what spawns can be controlled using either out of game setting, (Like we do in Halo: Reach's Firefight.) and with customize-able features, which would decide the range of fire, weapon, and enemy. If we really wanted to, we could manipulate the health or damage of the character, though difficulty levels could be changed as well. Unless, of course, we could tie in Firefight with Multi-Player for whatever reason.

    As well, different skins should be added in the next installation of Halo's Forge. Of course, there is the Forerunner skin, though there could be so much more. If we could add Ambient Occlusion, a shading feature, and a primitive, but universal "Normal Map" (a map that affects how light interacts with the object.), We could easily make every piece have it's own unique look, but still be able to adapt to whatever the forger desires. As well, on-texture painting would help a lot, with the ability to add stow to the top of a forge object.

    And what about different lighting techniques? a way to manipulate vehicles to change speed, weaponry or something else? Why not add a water line, so that we can give our custom maps oceans and lakes? All of this can be completely possible, and can be mapped perfectly unto a controller, giving us the best we can possibly have to forge. We CAN have these features, and a lot more. What we need to to, is ask.

    The features I'd like to see in Halo 4's Forge 3.0, are --

    *Cut, Copy and Paste.
    *Scaling for ANY Object.
    *Editable, Carve-able terrain.
    *No limit to the amount of objects place-able. (Lag be damned, we have...)
    *Occlusive Culling. (Not really a forging feature, though it helps with lag.)
    *A "Water-Line". (So that we can have water and terrain.)

    *A texture editor. (For applying snow, sand, earth, grass, and other textures directly unto a surface. To avoid tessellation in the textures, we can apply a randomized generator, so that multiple textures are blended randomly.)

    *More Objects. (I'd like to see a wider variety of covenant buildings, as well as other scenery that wouldn't have every map look the same.)

    *Vehicle Manipulation. (For example, changing the turret on a Warthog, or placing AA turrets on a Wraith.)

    *Forge-able Firefight. (Seriously, why not?)

    *Scarab. (The Scarab, having a terrain and items that can be tuned to fit with it, would be a very, very interesting addition to the multiplayer and firefight experiences.

    #1 XXWeaponXX7, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  2. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Cut copy and paste would be a great tool. Obviously when building symmetrical maps it would make life much easier.
  3. XXWeaponXX7

    XXWeaponXX7 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the reply. Bump.
  4. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    What you have said is very interesting. Though it has been said before I think you articulate it very clearly.

    If I were to make a wishlist it wouldnt end. Here is what I find reasonable to expect to see 343 include in the next forge.

    Better Forge Tools:

    -copy and paste option
    -grouping of objects
    -specify dimensions of walls/boxes
    -curving of pieces

    -ability to change texture of object
    -painting the ground with sand/grass/snow/burnt/glassed etc...

    -large formations as objects (rounded hills, steep hills, cliffs, rock walls, small slope)
    -water level
    -more rock choices

    -more detailed pieces
    -infrastructure bits (ex: I beams, wires, fencing, rebar, pipes)
    -civilian scenery
    -military equipment (covy and UNSC)
    -destroyed vehicles
    -civilian vehicles

    -doors that open when a player is near
    -gates/doors/bridges that activate with a switch

    -Change the light mapping. Remove it entirely, or make it so that it has a gradient effect on objects rather than turning the whole piece dark if only a corner is in the shade
    -more lights to be placed on the map
    -time of day FX
    #4 Oakly HiDef, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    All the stuff here.
  6. XXWeaponXX7

    XXWeaponXX7 Forerunner

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    Pyro, thanks for directing me to the wishlist. Though, none of my improvements are on that page.
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    There should be plenty here then, and maybe a few here and some more here.

    Usually when something starts with "I'm sure it's been posted before" that means you should...
    1. Find where it is posted.
    2. Bump the old thread instead of creating a new one
    3. ???
    4. Profit.
    #7 pyro, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2011
  8. alaserdolphin

    alaserdolphin Forerunner

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    I would also like to see more glass pieces. Possibly even just regular 'glass panes.' They would be just an border-less sheet of glass, so there would be no need to awkwardly hide the sides.

    I would also like to 'trim' sections of an object. Sometimes the curved part of a 'brace, large' can be rather pestering.
  9. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I hope Halo 4 Forge will have everything. That way we won't have "What you want in Halo 5 Forge" threads over and over again.
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    That's not actually possible. The only solution would be to not have Halo 5, but then we would probably get an equal number of threads complaining that there is no Halo 5.
  11. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very well written, however as pyro stated, go to the other threads.

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