Hey, everyone, this is AMALGAMATIQN, and I'm here with a new, sensational minigame map AND gametype forged out of an old grifball map. I've converted it into what I call ROCKETBALL, and it's just a blast to play. Here's how the map looks: There are three goals, each one wall's length apart: the two outer rings are worth one point for every golf ball scored into them, and the middle ring is worth 3, since it is harder to score into. Above, you can see that the map is very large, and has three central golf balls to be scored. Once scored, a noise sounds, flaming skulls erupt from the center and your light, the ball respawns, and the game continues. There are three ramps below each goal, making it easier to score. If a ball rolls up the ramp, it has a 90% chance of being scored. For the ball to successfully scored off of the middle ramp, the ball needs to be given much more speed than for the other two ramps (thus the higher point value assigned to it). The game ends once a team has hit fifty points, or the 10 minute time limit expires. The game is fun, action-packed, fast-paced, and full of explosions. The gametype gives every player infinite sprint, increased jumping and speed capabilities, and a bottomless rocket launcher (from which the game's name is derived). Plus, in order to prevent people from just killing rather than actually playing the game, a person is given 2000% damage resistance and full shields. A player should be able to sustain quite a number of direct or near-direct shots before dying, giving a player more than enough time to fire back or get away. There are no points given for killing, just scoring. If you want to win, you should focus more on the golf balls, not necessarily your opponent(s). Please download the map and gametype from my file share. Both have the same name: 'Rocketball'. Don't forget to download them both. Enjoy! (2-8 players)
This is a very neat idea of using rockets I haven't seen and one do the I love the concept of this map can't wait to give it a try +1
Hmmm, seems extremely hectic. As for me I hate rockets in general but I guess ill give this a shot... [IN GAME] [3v3] - The grid made me feel enclosed like I couldn't breath, also, for some reason my friends had more fun blasting each other (which is the nature of the game when you have funtage addicts, sadly). Aside from that I did found it pretty fun. Nice job! Oh btw, if you were to make another arena or just remodel or whatever, try to use some unique blocks rather than the over-used Wall coll. and Window coll. (I understand you used an older map) ANNNNDDD if you want me to help test or just be a helpful friend for comments on a map of yours, add me on XBL GT: MCGreen24 Thanks and great job!
If you want, you can just crank up the damage resistance to 'Invulnerable'. I've seen that it does in fact change the gameplay around quite a lot. And, I'd love some help testing out this map. I'll shoot you a friend request soon. Thanks for your comments!
Coming from a guy that hates Splockets, Dino Blasters, or being spammed with rockets.. That's what I think this game is about. Especially with a bottomless clip, I think grid ceilings are tacky btw, so you could change that up with some platforms and such.
Looks like it would be fun, but it's hard to imagine much of a skill element to it. I made a get-the-ball-in-the-goal game a long time ago and the first thing I did after the initial build was remove concussion rifles - it just made things too crazy. Of course if that's not really a concern and this is more of a "just enjoy the chaos!" type of game, that's cool.
It is kind of like an 'enjoy the chaos' map. However, getting a ball into one of those 3 high-up goals is pretty challenging, actually. It does take a lot of skill, and it's not just a kind of 'get the ball into the goal' type map, though. It's a cool combo of just about everything in the Action Sack playlist, and it's a blast to play. You should check it out. P.S. Thank you, residents of Forge Hub, helping Rocketball obtain over 200 downloads! Keep 'em coming!