Frontlines V2 Created by l HOFF l MAP SUMMARY: (the map is inescapable) Frontlines is a symmetrical map made on Foundry. There is one base in each corner, and two in the middle of the map across from each other. There is a roof to each of the corner bases, with two ways up. One way is from the bottom floor and jumping from the dumpster up to the roof. Or you can jump on the wire spools from the outside onto the roof. There are two different corner bases, a base you have to crouch jump to get into, and one you have to crouch down to get into. Both sides have both bases and are mirrors of each other. ( If this is confusing look down at the pictures. On the roof on the crouch bases there is a battle rifle. And in the bottom floor are two plasma grenades. On the roof of the crouch jump bases there is a carbine. And on the bottom floor, two frag grenades. In between the corner bases on either side, (Side A to Side A, for example ) are two wall corners which are there to provide cover. In between the wall corners is a mauler and two flame grenades. In the middle of the map towards Foundry's built in wall, is the rocket bunker. Underneath the rocket bunker, in the open box, are the rockets. If you go up the bridge you go up into the bunker itself. Use the bunker wisely, there's only one way in, but only one way out. Opposing the rocket bunker is the sniper tower/sword room. The sniper spawns on the forged wall directly between the Side A and Side B. And is located at the end of the ramp up to the sniper tower. Underneath the sniper tower is the sword room. Again, there is only one way into the sword room, and only one way out. But if you try to camp the room you may run into problems, as grenades can come through the window panels, or can be bounced in over the shield door. SIDE NOTE: Interlocking and merging with map geometry was used in the making of this map. This is version two of the map, the previous version was made before either of these tricks were discovered if you wish to play version one it is on my fileshare. WEAPONS: Sniper Rifle (150) x1 1 Spare Clip Sword (180) x1 Rockets (180) x1 No Spare Clips Mauler (150) x2 No Spare Clips Battle Rifle (30) x2 2 Spare Clips Carbine (30) x2 2 Spare Clips SMG (45) x4 1 Spare Clip Brute Spiker (45) x4 1 Spare Clip EQUIPMENT: Flame Grenade (60) x4 Frag Grenade (30) x4 Spike Grenade (30) x4 GAMETYPES SUPPORTED: All gametypes are supported by Frontlines. PICTURES: ^ An over view of the map from behind the sniper tower ^ A view of the sniper tower ^ A view into the sword room ^ An alternate view from behind the sniper tower. The rocket bunker can also be seen. ^ The sniper spawn, uses the mount weapons trick ^ Backside B crouch base overview ^ Backside B crouch base roof ^ Backside B crouch base bottom floor ^ B side mauler spawn (same on the other side) ^ Frontside B jump base overview ^ Frontside B jump base roof ^ Across the way from B side ^ Frontside A crouch base overview ^ Backside A jump base overview ^ Backside A jump base roof ^ Ramp up into the rocket bunker ^ View from inside rocket bunker ^ Backside overview ^ Rocket bunker overview ^ Frontside overview I hope you enjoy the map. Please leave comments. DOWNLOAD:
This map looks really good.The sword room looks really cool.The rocket bunker looks awsome.Really good map 5/5.
Thanks for all the positive comments. Leave comments after playing/forging through the map also please.
what is the weapons mount trick and are you sure it is inescapable. I will DL just to try and escape.
The mount weapon trick is where you merge a weapon holder into a wall or any other immovable object, so it looks as if the weapon is mounted on the wall. I found the tutorial somewhere on forgehub. And I am sure the map is inescapable all the walls are stacked on top of each other to the height barrier.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you have the same pic in there twice (you say it's a different view but they look identical). Anyway, nice interlocking and merging. Everyhting looks pretty flawless, and the jump and crouch bases as well as the sword room add some originality to the regular foundry map formula. My only complaint is that your window panels seem to be sticking out through the bridges above them in a few of the pics. Am I gonna trip up walking through there? Very nice: 8.5/10
Hmm I don't see the picture you are talking about. Thanks for the complements. As for the window panels, I could not get them to not stick out of the bridges. But you don't get stuck on them, and there is little to no bump at all. Thanks for the review I put a lot of time into this map and I appreciate it.